Empires on the border lands of Europe: Russia and Britain in Comparative Perspective (Colonial and border lands Policy)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Samara State Social-Pedagogical University
Address: 443099, М. Gorky st., 65/67, Samara, Russia
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 4

In article is offered comparative approach to the study of colonial and marginal policies of Russian and British Empires during an era of Modern time in the light of comparable experience of sea and continental powers. Methodological difficulties of the simplified understanding of colonial and margins’ policy of so-called «sea» and «continental» empires are specified. Prospects of studying of the British and Russian empires as empires on the margins of Europe are designated. 

KeywordsRussia, Britain, empires, margins, colonies
Publication date17.08.2017
Number of characters495
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