On the limits of the globalization process (to propounding of a problem). Article 1. About spatial and temporary framework of process and the main contours of the semantic field of a concept of globalization

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Latin America
Address: 21 Bolshaya Ordinka St., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 6

The aim of this article is to investigate the character of the correlation among global and universal dimensions of the reality of “the world of people”, as well as the analysis of the meaning of the concepts, indicated these dimensions and their correspondence in the space of meanings of culture. According to the author’s conception, “global” and “universal” – are the concepts of equal volume as far as they both cover the mankind in whole, but with not the one and the same content because they fix the different features of it: stability and variability. Global – is the system of all connections covered the whole world; its historical formation was gradual. The term “universal” includes the general features, inherent to all people regardless to their belonging to this or that epoch or culture. They have existed as long as the Homo sapiens have whereas in different historical forms.

Keywordsglobalization, global, universal, local, civilization, culture
Publication date17.12.2017
Number of characters973
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