The social basis for the inter-state integration (the case of the EU and CIS)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Economics, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: Institute of Economics, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 11

The authors analyze the process of inter-state integration from the social point of view. The case of the EU and the CIS member countries shows that the driving forces of economic integration are constrained by powerful social barriers. High levels of poverty, unemployment, and inequality don't allow to create a "critical mass" of human and social capital necessary for the full-force launch of integration mechanism.

Keywordsinter-state integration, EU, CIS, post-Soviet area, welfare, living standard, poverty, social inequality, unemployment, labour migration, human and social capital
Publication date14.12.2018
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