The Middle Class in the US and Russia: Distinctive Features, Structural Changes, Problems in the Labour Market and Social Mobility

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading researcher
Affiliation: Institute of World Economy and International Relations (RAS)
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 12

The author examines a set of parameters that are characteristic of the middle class and distinguish it from other social groups. An analysis of the current state of the middle class in the USA and Russia is given, allowing us to assess both its multifaceted importance and its vulnerability due to sanctions, structural changes in the labor market, digitalization and exporting jobs to other countries. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of black and white households in the United States in terms of results achieved in social mobility, including success in doing business, getting an education and finding employment in the labor market.

Keywordsmiddle class, white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, income polarization, labor market transformation, narrowing of the permeability of social boundaries, sticky floor effect, sticky ceiling effect, human capital
Publication date28.12.2023
Number of characters32437
100 rub.
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