“Authoritarian” countries live better than their peripheral “democratic” neighbors

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of sector
Affiliation: JSC «NPK «design Bureau of mechanical engineering»
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: MC «POLYUS»
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 9

The article compares the levels of welfare and economic exploitation of the population of the countries of the World Economic Center (according to I. Wallerstein) with the countries of the rest of the world that have political systems labeled as “democratic”, “authoritarian” or “hybrid”. The analysis of the results has shown a sharp excess of the living standard of the population of the countries of the World Economic Center over the countries of the rest of the world (4-7 times). Besides, the inhabitants of the latter group are subjected to an unprecedentedly greater (2-4 times) economic exploitation caused by an unequal trade exchange between the Center and the World Economic Periphery. In addition, the living standard of the population of peripheral countries with “democratic” regimes is significantly lower than that of peripheral countries with “authoritarian” regimes, and the level of exploitation of the former is significantly higher. The worst welfare rates are in peripheral countries with hybrid regimes.

Keywordsdemocracy, authoritarianism, purchasing power parity (PPP), level of exploitation, gross domestic product (GDP) for PPP per capita, welfare rate, World Economic Center, World Economic Periphery, Golden Billion
Publication date20.09.2022
Number of characters20264
100 rub.
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