Assessment of factors influencing the formation of corporate savings in Azerbaijan

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Economy and Management
Affiliation: Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC)
Address: Azerbaijan, Baku
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 2

The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of savings in the corporate sector. There is a significant dependence of national savings on oil revenues in Azerbaijan. The redistribution of oil revenues by the state has a significant impact on the formation of corporate savings. The study found a significant relationship between household and government savings and corporate savings. The impact of inflation on corporate savings has been limited. In addition, the rise in interest rates led not to an increase, but to a decrease in corporate savings.

Keywordssavings, corporate sector, oil revenues
Publication date18.02.2022
Number of characters30511
100 rub.
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