Human Rights in the United States: Evolution, Milestones, Contemporary Developments

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

The author seeks to give a professional perspective on the history of human rights in the United States, which has recently acquired considerable significance, but is portrayed from ideological perspectives by competing political movements, groups, and parties. The author believes that in this situation the historical truth is being seriously misrepresented. The author shows that until the middle of the twentieth century, “human rights” in the United States were extended only to white men. Then, under the influence of both internal problems and the Сold War with the USSR, the United States had to extend “human rights” to ethnic minority groups. Multiculturalism was born and a sharp conflict between it and the traditional “melting pot” that secured the dominance of the white race in American civilization, primarily the Anglo-Saxons, was created. At the present stage, the conflict between the Republican party, committed to the priority of the white race, and the Democratic Party, which won the 2020 presidential elections under the slogans of multiculturalism and equal “human rights” for all races, ethnicities, genders, and other groups of Americans, has reached its peak. Approaches of both parties to the American past according to the author contradict historicism.

Keywordshuman rights, evolution, stages, melting pot, multiculturalism, political movements, groups, parties
Publication date25.01.2022
Number of characters69130
100 rub.
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