The Dispute over the Eviction of Sudeten Germans in Modern Czech-Austrian Relations

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 2

The consequences of the First World War reminded about themselves more than 80 years after its end, when the Czech Republic began negotiations on admission to the European Union. It had difficulties with neighbouring Austria, when the latter made claims to the Czechs regarding issues unresolved since the collapse of Austria-Hungary. After 1918, millions of Sudeten Germans ("old Austrians"), who helped A. Hitler destroy Czechoslovakia in 1938—1939, remained in the Czech Republic. They were evicted from the Czech Republic to Germany and Austria in 1945—1946 on the basis of a number of laws, known as the "Benes Decrees". This issue was partially settled by Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1970s, but in 1998—1999, after the start of negotiations on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union, it arose again. The Austrian side believed that the Czech Republic should abolish the "Benes Decrees". The Czech side believed that the Decrees should not be repealed, as they were an integral part of the outcome of the World War II. The peak of the dispute was reached in 2002, and in the end the European Union decided that the "Benes Decrees" could not prevent the Czech Republic to enter the EU. After the completion of European integration of the Czech Republic in the EU, Austria has continued to demand the abolition of the Decrees. As a result, the problem made itself felt when the EU's founding document, the Lisbon Treaty, was ratified. The Czech Republic has managed to ensure that it is not subject to documents, which Austria could use to demand the abolition of the "Benes Decrees". Currently, the topic has been relegated, but the problem has not been completely resolved.

KeywordsCzech-Austrian relations, Benes Decrees, World War I, World War II, Czech Republic, Austria, European Union.
Publication date27.03.2020
Number of characters17308
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