Numerical modeling by grid-characteristic method of influence of ice formations on seismic replies

Publication type Article
Status Published
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory of Applied and Computational Geophysics
Scientific Research Institute for System Studies of the RAS, Department of Computational
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory of Applied and Computational Geophysics Scientific Research Institute for System Studies of the RAS, Department of Computational Mathematics
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory of Applied and Computational Geophysics Scientific Research Institute for System Studies of the RAS, Department of Computational Mathematics
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameMatematicheskoe modelirovanie
EditionVolume 30 Number 8

The aim of this work is numerical simulation of wave propagation in the Arctic with the presence of ice formations – toroses and icebergs. The main goal of the research is studying the influence of the presence of ice formations on horizontal and vertical velocity components on resulting seismograms by carrying out numerical experiments. The work presents the results of numerical modelling of spreading seismic waves for models with toros and for the model with an iceberg, the analysis of influence of ice constructions on the response from the following geological media: sea water, earth, oil layer – is carried out. The seismograms got show the necessity of taking into account ice constructions, as they contribute significantly to resulting seismograms. Besides, the computation of the model with an iceberg, which keel’s depth is comparable to the depth of sea water, shows the importance of taking into account the horizontal velocity component while solving the tasks of seismic prospecting in the water medium, where the system, describing only acoustic (longitudinal) waves, is being solved. In this work the analysis of influence of setting the system of source of impulse and receivers on getting seismograms is carried out, but significant improvements in case of deepening of the system of source of impulse and receivers failed to be got. The grid-characteristic method, which provides correctly describing the contact and boundary conditions between linear-elastic and acoustic layers, is used in the research.

Keywordsgrid-characteristic method, numerical modeling, Arctic seismic exploration, ice ridges, icebergs
Publication date04.10.2018
Number of characters1500
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