Legal Aspects of the Introduction of Digital Platforms and Solutions Aimed at Improving Occupational Safety at Main Pipeline Facilities

Код статьиS231243500028028-8-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Senior Scientist, LLC “Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transport”
Аффилиация: LLC “Scientific Research Institute of Pipeline Transport”
Адрес: Российская Федерация,
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 3

The article is devoted to the legal issues of the introduction of digital platforms and solutions aimed at improving occupational safety at pipeline transportation facilities. The possible criteria determining the priority of using digital solutions to improve the occupational safety of pipeline transportation employees are investigated. Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk management, as well as occupational injuries, are considered as sources of initial information for determining the need for the use of digital solutions for certain professions and positions at pipeline transportation facilities. Identification of hazards and occupational injuries are considered as factors that make it possible to reasonably determine the need and expediency of the primary testing of digital solutions aimed at improving occupational safety. It is worth noting that the existence of injuries in the framework of hazard identification is not the main and only factor in determining the level of risk. Hazard identification is aimed at identifying harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process and is performed in order to prevent accidents, occupational diseases, emergencies and incidents. The risk management process consists in the development of measures aimed at eliminating/reducing risks and improving industrial safety. When managing risks, including the introduction of digital platforms and solutions aimed at improving occupational safety, all existing legal requirements regarding the employees’ rights and freedoms must be observed.

The article discusses and analyzes the legal aspects of the introduction of digital platforms and solutions aimed at improving occupational safety, in terms of regulation and sufficiency of the legal and regulatory framework. The work deliverables are of interest to professionals in legal regulation of occupational safety, professionals in industrial safety, as well as for conducting in-process control and special assessment of working conditions at main pipeline transportation facilities.

Ключевые словаlegal support of occupational safety at oil facilities, digital platform, hazard identification, risk analysis
Дата публикации12.10.2023
Кол-во символов16987
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1 Introduction
2 Ensuring the safety of operation of oil facilities and employees working thereon is one of the significant issues on the agenda of the domestic FEC. The need and expediency of introducing digital platforms and solutions presented on the domestic and international markets aimed at monitoring the conditions of the process environment and the physical condition of an employee, the safety of employees of various professions and positions, is an urgent issue of process digitalization.
3 Conventional methods of improving occupational safety have been introduced and are used in almost all FEC enterprises. It is worth noting that the digital transformation trend has a significant potential for transformation of modern domestic industry, which has traditionally been considered quite conservative in the use of digital solutions to ensure occupational safety. The set of relevant tools, designated as Industry 4.0, includes the following methods, such as machine learning, machine vision, big data analytics, industrial internet of things, immersive technologies (virtual and augmented reality), unmanned aerial vehicles and gives an opportunity to look at the employees’ occupational safety in a new way. There is an urgent and legitimate question of determining the ways of entering digital transformation for large geographically dispersed FEC companies [1].
4 Also, an important factor is observation and compliance with the decisions taken to introduce certain innovations within the framework of actively changing health, safety and environmental protection laws [2]. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to work in safe working environment complying with hygiene requirements. Besides, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the private life of a citizen is inviolable. Personal inviolability under the Constitution of the Russian Federation is under the jurisdiction of the state, including in the information space; i.e., in view of the use of digital technologies, all operations with digital data.
5 Legal Aspects of the Introduction of Digital Platforms and Solutions Aimed at Improving Occupational Safety at Production Facilities
6 Oil and petroleum products pipeline transportation facilities are sources of dangerous occupational hazards, and also belong to the category of high hazard. In order to reduce the risk of occupational hazards, experts of Transneft R&D, LLC have developed an algorithm for analyzing the need and expediency of implementing digital platforms and solutions at production facilities [3]. The algorithm includes the identification of the main parameters of industrial risk in labor activity and the determination of the expediency of using digital solutions [4].
7 As part of the developed algorithm, industrial injuries are one of the main indicators of increased risks for the groups of employees in which they are recorded. The analysis of occupational injuries in the context of causes and frequency of occurrence, recurrence, severity of injury to health makes it possible to identify production processes with increased risk for FEC employees.
8 The second main source of data on increased risks is the hazard identification. Hazard identification (identification of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment and the work process) and risk assessment are performed in accordance with the occupational health and safety management system of the enterprise in order to prevent accidents, occupational diseases, accidents and incidents, substantiate the financing of measures to reduce risks to an acceptable and economically justified level.
9 Hazard identification and risk assessment are designed to address the following objectives:
10 -Identify known and possible hazards in the units;
11 -Assess the risks of the identified hazards in the context of the level of impact on an employee;
12 -Rank the level of assessed risk (high, moderate, low);
13 -Develop and implement measures that reduce high risks, keep moderate and low risks at the necessary acceptable level.
14 Risk management is development and implementation of measures to eliminate/mitigate risks and improve occupational safety. Risk management measures according to the established practice are planned on a priority basis as follows:
15 -Elimination of danger in the bud, for example, monitoring the condition of equipment, including scheduled and regular maintenance and repair, replacement, etc., or minimizing/excluding employee contact with possible hazards, for example, additional protective structures or devices, automation of processes, the use of robotics;
16 -Possibility of replacing a high-level hazard factor with a factor of lower exposure to harmfulness and danger, for example, the use of safe or less dangerous technologies, materials, improvement of tools, equipment, etc.;
17 -Technical and organizational measures, for example, process automated control systems and video surveillance, digitalization of training and personnel knowledge assessment, etc.;

всего просмотров: 142

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