Modern Trends in the Development of Gas Legal Framework: A Strategy of Low-Carbon and Innovative Development

Код статьиS231243500027999-6-1
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Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Scientific Supervisor of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science
Аффилиация: Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 3

The content of energy resources legal framework, the requirements regarding their quality, metering, the procedure for extraction, production, supply, transportation, storage, price, tax, customs regulation relate to the fundamental problems of energy law and a key element of the energy legal order. The principles of the use of energy resources, legal regulation should ensure a balance of interests of various energy market participants. This article discusses the current state and trends in improving the key elements of gas legal framework. Particular attention is paid to the issues of gas metering and the feasibility of introducing a smart gas metering system into the legal model of the gas industry, pricing issues, approaches to regulating gas use in the context of the implementation of the climate action agenda, gas exports, and the results of judicial practice. Proposals on potential directions of comparative legal research on various elements of the content of gas legal framework are formulated.

Ключевые словаenergy law, gas law, gas legal framework, smart gas metering system, gas price regulation
Дата публикации12.10.2023
Кол-во символов24934
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1 The content of energy resources legal framework, the requirements regarding their quality, metering, the procedure for extraction, production, supply, transportation, storage, price, tax, customs regulation relate to the fundamental problems of energy law and a key element of the energy legal order.
2 The principles and legal regulation of the use of energy resources should ensure a balance of interests of various energy market participants.
3 General provisions on the principles of the use of energy resources, various elements of energy resources legal framework have been studied in monographs [1] and educational publications [2]. Separate legal studies devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of gas legal framework have not yet been conducted.
4 At the same time, the strategic importance of gas in the energy supply and the specific gas characteristics indicate that many elements of the gas legal framework deserve further development these days.
5 Russian President, Vladimir Putin, emphasizes that “gas is the most environmentally friendly among hydrocarbons and the optimal product during the transition to green energy, and if we are talking about such a source as gas for the world economy, let’s not forget that it is the most optimal, the most in-demand product for a sufficiently large, long period of transition to green energy” [3].
6 Alexey B. Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom, noting the environmental friendliness of Gazprom, emphasizes that Gazprom PJSC “in terms of environmental friendliness, according to our low carbon footprint, it ranks first among all the largest oil and gas, energy companies in the world, and we really appreciate it. And I can say that we plan to continue to hold this position.” [4]
7 Nikolay G. Shulginov, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, notes that “the national green agenda cannot be without gas. This is our heritage, this is a low-carbon development strategy, which should take place with a large use of gas, including in transport.” [5]
8 Gazprom PJSC has a corporate system for managing greenhouse gas emissions, including methane. Data on methane emissions (from the well to the consumer) are presented in annual environmental reports, independent certification of information is performed with the involvement of an independent audit firm.[6] In order to reduce methane emissions, new technologies are being introduced in the company, and resource conservation measures are being taken. The expansion of the practice of using technologies aimed at preserving gas during repair work is becoming increasingly important for reducing methane emissions. The technologies of gas blowdown to the consumer through gas distribution stations, the bypass of natural gas from the repaired section to the existing gas pipeline, the use of gas from the treating iron of the compressor shop for their own needs have the greatest effectiveness.[7]
9 Alexander G. Ishkov, Deputy Head of Department, Head of Division, PJSC Gazprom, Doctor of Chemistry (D.Chem.), Professor of the Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation, draws attention to the fact that “natural gas has the lowest carbon footprint compared to other fossil energy resources, therefore, an increase in the share of natural gas in the country’s energy balance affects the reduction of the carbon intensity of the fuel and energy complex as a whole. The Russian FEC has one of the lowest carbon intensity indicators among the major world economies (USA, Germany, Japan, China, India, etc.). The implementation of gasification programs for Russian regions and the conversion of transport to methane ensures a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants, which means a reduction in morbidity and mortality of the population.[8]
10 Within the framework of IV All-Russian Conference “Turbulence, Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate” in 2022, the Methane and Climate Change: Scientific Issues and Technological Aspects monograph was presented, prepared based on the results of cooperative effort of employees of Gazprom and the Russian Academy of Sciences.[9] The monograph notes that a significant source of methane emissions into the atmosphere are natural objects, such as swamps, the ocean, ruminants, termites. As for anthropogenic emissions of methane, more than half of them are caused by agricultural activities; i.e., rice cultivation, livestock breeding, as well as fermentation waste treatment. Methane emissions, the source of which is the global oil and gas industry, account for about 10 % of the total. Studies demonstrate the minimal methane footprint of Gazprom’s natural gas supplies. According to the estimates, in 2021, the share of methane emissions into the atmosphere from the company’s activities amounted to only 0.2 % of global emissions.[10]
11 Representatives of the scientific community substantiate that the use of natural gas allows reducing the carbon footprint of products. Already today, high-tech industries associated with the synthesis of valuable products (polymers, plastics, hydrogen, etc.) from natural gas are being introduced everywhere. The expansion of gas supply and gasification systems in the regions of the Russian Federation is one of the large-scale socially and environmentally significant areas of Gazprom’s efforts.[11] Comprehensive efforts continues to expand the use of natural gas in transport, which is a rational solution to the problem of reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases in the rapidly growing transport sector. Natural-gas-based motor fuel is widely used in the own transport of Gazprom subsidiaries. The large-scale use of natural gas really helps shape a future in which sustainable development goals are achieved.[12]

всего просмотров: 211

Оценка читателей: голосов 0

1. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov A.G. Energy Law: The Tasks of Further Development of the Branch. // Collection of files of an international scientific and practical conference. Moscow, Lawyer Publishing House. 2013, P. 10–15; Romanova V.V. Energy Law Order: Current State and Tasks. Moscow : Lawyer Publishing House. 2016. P. 20–21.

2. Romanova V.V., Energy Law. Textbook for Training Highly Qualified Specialists. Moscow, Lawyer Publishing House, 2021, P. 60–86.

3. Speech of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin at the Plenary Session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). //

4. Speech by Chairman of the Gazprom Management Board Alexey B. Miller at the Challenges and Opportunities of Asian Energy Markets Conference (General Meeting of the International Business Congress). September 17, 2021 //




8. Interview of Alexander G. Ishkov, Deputy Head of Department, Head of Division, PJSC Gazprom, Doctor of Chemistry (D.Chem.), Professor of the Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation. //

9. Methane and Climate Change: Scientific Issues and Technological Aspects. Monograph ideted by V.G. Bondura, RAS Academician; I.I. Mokhov, RAS Academician; A.A. Makosko, RAS Corresponding Member. Moscow : Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022.




13. Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. Official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, June 5, 2014.

14. Award of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Commercial Court dated December 21, 2021, in Case No. A43-15727/2021; Ruling of the First Appellate Commercial Court No. 01AP-935/2022 dated April 19, 2022, in Case No. A43-15727/2021; Ruling of the Volga-Vyatka Judicial Circuit Commercial Court No. F01-3957/2022 dated August 19, 2022, in Case No. A43-15727/2021 //

15. Award of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Commercial Court dated April 22, 2021, in Case No. A43-1295/2021; Ruling of the First Appellate Commercial Court No. 01AP-4409/2021 dated August 4, 2021, in Case No. A43-1295/2021; Ruling of the Volga-Vyatka Judicial Circuit No. F01-6703/2021 dated November 26, 2021, in Case No. A43-1295/2021 //







22. Eurasian Economic Commission Council Decision No. 74 dated September 14, 2018, “On the EAEU Technical Regulation ‘On the Safety of Natural Fuel Gas Prepared for Transportation and/or Use’” // The EAEU official website, October 30, 2018.

23. Eurasian Economic Commission Council Decision No. 68 dated August 9, 2016, “On the EAEU Technical Regulation ‘Requirements for Liquefied Petroleum Gases for their Use as Fuel’” // The EAEU official website,October 19, 2016.



26. Russian Government Resolution No. 2424-r dated September 2, 2021, (as amended on May 27, 2023) “On Approval of the National Plan (Roadmap) for the Development of Competition in the Russian Federation for 2021–2025 // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information, September 8, 2021.

27. Russian Government Resolution No. 4140-r dated December 23, 2022, “On Approval of the Action Plan (Roadmap) for the Development of Organized. (Exchange) Trading in Certain Commodity Markets for 2023–2025 // Official Internet Portal of Legal Information, December 28, 2022.


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