Functioning of Electrical Energy Accumulation Systems: Proposals for the Development of Laws on the Electrical Energy Industry

Код статьиS231243500022504-2-1
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Аффилиация: АО «СО ЕЭС»
Адрес: Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 4

Electrical energy accumulation systems refer to technologies, the use of which can entail organizational and technological changes in the management and functioning of electrical energy systems and facilitate the transition of the energy industry to a new technological basis. Functioning of electrical energy accumulation systems within the energy system facilitates the solution of the task of raising reliability and quality of energy supply to consumers ensuring economic efficiency of the accompanying services and integration of generating facilities functioning on the basis of renewable energy sources in the energy system. At the same time, regulations governing relations in the electrical energy industry need to be amended to ensure participation of accumulation systems in the electrical energy (power) circulation and their safe operation within the electrical energy system. The paper describes the content of the main amendments to the industrial regulation aimed at integration and development of accumulation systems in the electrical energy industry that can be elaborated in the future within the framework of further research.


Ключевые словаenergy law, legal regulation in the electrical energy industry, electrical energy accumulation systems
Дата публикации20.12.2021
Кол-во символов18534
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1 In accordance with the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2035, one of the main areas of activities aimed at the development of the domestic energy industry is efficient satisfaction of demands of the socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation with the respective volume of manufacture and export of products and services of the fuel and energy complex [1].
2 Within the framework of the indicated trend, the electrical energy industry is facing a task of raising reliability and quality of energy supply to consumers up to a level comparable to the best foreign analogues, ensuring economic efficiency of such services.
3 Solution of the task of the electrical energy industry implies the implementation of measures related to ensuring participation of electrical energy accumulation systems (“EEAS”) in electrical energy (power) circulation and rendering of accompanying services [2].
4 The main functions of EEAS are the opportunity to use them as a primary and emergency energy source, management of the consumption schedule, regulation of system parameters of the energy system (frequency, voltage) for the purposes of saving, reduction of electrical energy losses and raising its quality [3].
5 The use of EEAS in the electrical energy industryalsofacilitatesintegrationofgenerating facilities functioning on the basis of renewable energy sources in the energy system, gradual decommissioning of traditional generation equipment, optimization of energy supply costs, ensuring reliable and stable functioning of the energy system [4]. Thus, EEAS fairly refer to technologies, the use of which can entail organizational and technological changes in the management and functioning of electrical energy systems and facilitate the transition of the energy industry to a new technological basis (the so-called “energy transition”).
6 Today, there remain open the conceptual issues of the status of EEAS as a separate equipment type, their legal regime, rules for their use in the electrical energy industry and operations at wholesale and retail markets using them.
7 The results of the public hearing of the draft of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues of functioning of EEAS in the electrical energy industry [5] show that it needs to be substantially revised in the following areas:
  • referring of EEAS to a specific type of an electrical energy facility and development of the EEAS owner definition;
  • use of EEAS in the system of economic relations involving circulation of electrical energy and power on the wholesale market and within the framework of functioning of retail electrical energy markets;
  • technological connection of EEAS to electrical grids;
  • opportunity to use EEAS by grid operators in rendering of electrical energy transmission services;
  • technological requirements for functioning of EEAS within the energy system and operational dispatch management of EEAS.
8 Creation of legal conditions for EEAS functioning will require significant amendments to the legal acts regulating relations in the electrical energy industry.
9 Let us review the content of the main amendments to the laws on the electrical energy industry required for the participation of EEAS in circulation of electrical energy (power) and rendering of accompanying services.
10 Firstly, there is a need to establish the legal regime of EEAS within the framework of industrial regulation and give a definition of the EEAS owner.
11 In accordance with Art. 3 of the Law on the Electrical Energy Industry, [6] items of property directly used in production and transmission of electrical energy, operational dispatch management in the electrical energy industry and sale of electrical energy including power grid facilities are referred to facilities of the electrical energy industry.
12 As EEAS need to be referred to a specific type of an electrical energy facility, let us briefly describe their structural features and the principle of operations.
13 An EEAS consists of three main elements: the lithium-ion accumulation subsystem (racks with accumulation facets that store energy), the transformation subsystem (inverter) and the management subsystem to control the status of EEAS subsystems and transmit information on their relevant technical status. The mentioned EEAS elements are technologically linked with a process ensuring accumulation and storage of electrical energy for its further use (output into the energy system).
14 Pumped storage power plants are an analogue of EEAS; their technology allows consuming excess power in the energy system during minimum load hours (pumping mode) and releasing power into the energy system during peak load hours (generating mode) making the load schedule more even and covering consumption peaks.
15 Thus, EEAS are closer to electrical energy production facilities in terms of their designation and technological features of operation.
16 Regardless of the fact that EEAS are not designed to establish electrical connections and transmit electrical energy, they can be used by grid operators to raise reliability and quality of electrical energy transmission services and reduce losses in electrical grids, so it is incorrect to rely on the assumption that EEAS can be owned only by electrical energy producers, grid operators or consumers.

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1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1523-r of June 9, 2020 On the Approval of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2035 // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. June 15, 2020. No. 24. Art. 3847.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1447-r of June 1, 2021 On the Approval of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2035 // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. June 14, 2021. No. 24 (part 2). Art. 4530.

3. The Concept of the Development of the Market of Electrical Energy Storage Systems in the Russian Federation // Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. URL: (date of access: October 18, 2021).

4. All-Russian Conference Industrial Electrical Energy Accumulation and Storage Systems. URL: https://www. (date of access: October 18, 2021).

5. Draft of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation On the Amendment of Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Functioning of Electrical Energy Accumulation Systems in the Electrical Energy Industry (ID 01/01/09-20/00108117). URL: projects (date of access: October 20, 2021).

6. Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 26, 2003 On the Electrical Energy Industry // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. March 31, 2003. No. 13. Art. 1177.

7. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1172 of December 27, 2010 On the Approval of Rules for the Wholesale Electrical Energy and Power Market and on the Amendment of Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Organization of Functioning of the Wholesale Electrical Energy and Power Market // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. April 4, 2011. No. 14. Art. 1916.

8. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 of May 4, 2012 On Functioning of Retail Electrical Energy Markets, Full and (or) Partial Restriction of the Electrical Energy Consumption Pattern // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. June 4, 2012. No. 23. Art. 3008.

9. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 861 of December 27, 2004 On the Approval of Rules for Undiscriminated Access to Electrical Energy Transmission Services and Rendering of Such Services, Rules for Undiscriminated Access to Operational Dispatch Management Services in the Electrical Energy Industry and Rendering of Such Services, Rules for Undiscriminated Access to Services of a Wholesale Market Trade System Administrator and Rendering of Such Services and Rules for Technological Connection of Power Receivers of Electrical Energy Consumers, Electrical Energy Production Facilities and Power Grid Facilities Owned by Grid Operators and Other Persons, to Electrical Grids // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. December 27, 2004. No. 52 (part 2). Art. 5525.

10. Federal Law No. 36-FZ of March 26, 2003 On Features of Functioning of the Electrical Energy Industry and on the Amendment of Some Legal Acts of the Russian Federation and Revocation of Some Legal Acts of the Russian Federation in View of the Adoption of the Federal Law On the Electrical Energy Industry // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. March 31, 2003. No. 13. Art. 1178.

11. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937 of August 13, 2018 On the Approval of Rules for the Technological Functioning of Electrical Energy Systems and on the Amendment of Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. August 20, 2018. No. 34. Art. 5483.

12. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 114 of February 14, 2009 On the Procedure for Referring of Subjects of the Electrical Energy Industry and Electrical Energy Consumers to the Range of Persons Subject to Obligatory Servicing in the Context of Rendering of Operational Dispatch Management Services in the Electrical Energy Industry (together with the Rules for Referring of Subjects of the Electrical Energy Industry and Electrical Energy Consumers to the Range of Persons Subject to Obligatory Servicing in the Context of Rendering of Operational Dispatch Management Services in the Electrical Energy Industry) // Collection of Laws of the Russian Federation. March 2, 2009. No. 9. Art. 1103.

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