Review of the International Scientific and Practical Round-Table Discussion Musin Readings 2020. Topical Issues of Energy Law

Код статьиS231243500022449-1-1
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Статус публикации Опубликовано
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 2


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Дата публикации03.06.2020
Кол-во символов6127
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1 In 2020, it was decided to hold an international scientific and practical conference entitled Musin Readings. Topical Issues of Energy Law. The event was planned to be conducted on April 3 as part of Moscow Legal Forum at Gazprom VNIIGAZ, LLC. This date is closer to the birthday of Valery A. Musin, a well-known Russian lawyer, Doctor of Law, professor, correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Pleasantly, it is for this reason that memorable events have been traditionally held at that time.
2 There were more than 100 participants, so the event was supposed to last the entire day, even a two-day event had been suggested. However, the difficult epidemiological situation made it impossible to hold the event as planned. Instead, it was proposed to collect articles written by the event participants and publish them in the Energy Law Forum journal. Valery A. Musin used to be a member of its editorial board. It is pleasant and memorable that Valery A. Musin participated in the creation and launch ceremony of the Energy Law Forum journal in 2014 at the Moscow Legal Forum, and was very passionate about it.
3 First of all, we would like to thank everyone for participation in the international scientific and practical round-table discussion for their interesting reports provided in the form of publications, for their help and support in making this event happen.
4 The following people took part in the international scientific and practical roundtable discussion:
5 Andrey Lisitsin-Svetlanov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences — Parameters of the Energy Law Policy Mikhail Kleandrov, Doctor of Law,
6 Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences — Fundamental Problems of Energy Law
7 Raphael Heffron, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law (the University of Dundee, Great Britain) — Energy Law in the Next Decade from 2020 to 2030 Viktoriya Romanova, Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Director of the Energy Law Center of the SaintPetersburg State Economic University, — Tasks of Energy Law as a Science and an Academic Discipline Lyubov Shevchenko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Legal Regulation Department of the Fuel & Energy Complex of the International Institute for Energy Politics and Diplomacy of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Timur Kulakhmetov, a lawyer at Center for Legal Protection Law Firm — Specific Features of Energy Trade on Digital Platforms Using Unusual Contractual Structures Roza Salieva, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Legal Problems of Subsoil Use, Environment, and Fuel & Energy Complex of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan —Topical Issues of Improvement of Subsoil Use Legal Regulation Vyacheslav Gusyakov, Candidate Legal Science, Deputy Chairman International Union of Lawyers — On the Concept of Oil as Defined by the Laws of the Russian Federation and Other Countries Marina Vildanova, Candidate Legal Science, Leading Research Scientist of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation — Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of Activities of Commercial Gas Operators Olga Mitkina, Candidate Legal Science, Lead Expert (Lawyer) of the Legal Department of Mosenergo, PJSC — Impact of Sanctions on the Energy Market and Energy Law Development Objectives Nadezhda Koropets, Lead Expert for Claim Management at the Law Department of Mosenergo, PJSC, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Department of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) — Challenges of Legal Regulation of Electrical Energy and Power Supply to the Wholesale Electricity Market According to Chapter III.1 of the Federal Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Mikhail Gorshkov, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Department of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) — Problems of Corporate Governance in Companies with state participation of the Power Grid Sergey Koshman, Deputy Head of the Administration of Law and Judicial Defense Department of the Legal Office of Gazprom Export, LLC, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Center of the Saint-Petersburg State Economic University — Natural Gas Export: Challenges of State Regulation and Control Valentin Kotousov, Deputy Head of the Department for Audit of Main Activities of the Internal Audit Office of Gazprom Invest, LLC, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Center of the Saint-Petersburg State Economic University — Compensation for Damage to Highways Caused by Construction of Gas Mains Snezhana Saushkina, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Center of the Saint-Petersburg State Economic University — Challenges of Legal Regulation of Energy Companies During Competitive Bidding under Federal Law No. 223-ФЗ on Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities dated July 18, 2011 Svetlana Sveshnikova, Head of the Corporate Law Department of the Legal Office of Gazprom PHG, LLC, Postgraduate Student of the Energy Law Center of the Saint-Petersburg State Economic University — Underground Gas Storage in Russia: History, Challenges, and Objectives of Legal Regulation Participants’ reports will be published in the upcoming issues of Energy Law Forum.

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