Review of the scientifi c and practical round table discussion The Development and Distribution of Breakthrough Technologies in the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Legal Regulation Tasks

Код статьиS231243500022429-9-1
Тип публикации Обзор
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 1


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Дата публикации01.03.2021
Кол-во символов5500
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The scientific and practical round table discussion The Development and Distribution of Breakthrough Technologies in the Fuel and Energy Complex and the Legal Regulation Tasks took place on November 25, 2020, as part of the Moscow Legal Week


3 The event was organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the Yurist Publishing Group, the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), the Center for Energy Law of the Saint Petersburg State Economic University.
4 Taking into account the unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation and limitations of connection to electronic sites, the organizers were recommended to carry out the event in the form of publications with further discussion and publication of works presented by the event participants in the Legal Energy Forum journal.
5 V.N. Pligin, the Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia welcomed the event participants and noted that the development and application of breakthrough technologies including renewable energy sources, unmanned vehicles, hydrogen energetics required the modern legal regulation ensuring not only the use of such technologies, but also the balance of interests of energy market participants and the protection of investments. In this regard, the task of training of staff with top qualification in
6 energy law became of paramount importance. The participation of government representatives, famous scientists, young specialists of the energy industry in the scientific and practical event was convincing proof that there existed an opportunity for comprehensive discussion of the issues and the development of useful recommendations.
7 A.A. Pakhomov, Director of the Department of Law-Making Activities and Human Resource Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia emphasized in his welcoming address that the Ministry of Energy of Russia was carrying out active law-making activities, which rendered it important to organize constructive cooperation with representatives of science, expert community, practitioners to ensure a high level and efficiency of the legal regulation in the fuel and energy complex. A.A. Pakhomov highlighted that the systemic development of the legal regulation in energetics required specialized personnel.
8 The following persons took part in the scientific and practical round table:

A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, LL.D., Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M.I. Kleandrov, LL.D., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; V.V. Romanova, LL.D., Head of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Director of the Center for Energy Law of the Saint Petersburg State Economic University, Chairperson of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; L.Yu. Akimov, PhD (Law), Chief Legal Officer of Russian Networks, PJSC, Associate Professor of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Member of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; L.V. Chkhutiashvili, Doctor of Economics, PhD (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); V.G. Tubdenov, PhD (Law), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Head of the Department of Methodological Support of Subsoil Management and Geological Investigation Project Expert Evaluation of Rosgeolexpertiza Federal State Institution, Member of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; M.S. Gorshkov, Division Head of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); N.V. Koropets, Chief Specialist of the Legal Directorate of Mosenergo, PJSC, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); P.S. Ratushnyak, Postgraduate Student of the Center for Energy Law of the Saint Petersburg State Economic University; S.M. Saushkina, Postgraduate Student of the Center for Energy Law of the Saint Petersburg State Economic University; N.A. Osipov, LL.M.; members of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, representatives of energy companies, the expert community, postgraduate, graduate students of the leading Russian higher educational institutions.


Summing up the results of the round table discussion by the Organizing Committee: V.N. Pligin, Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, V.V. Romanova, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairperson of the Commission on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Association of Lawyers of Russia

11 Based the results of the round table discussion, a decision has been made to address the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from the Association of Lawyers of Russia on the preservation of energy law in the structure of scientific majors and support of similar addresses from the Ministry of Energy of Russia, companies of the fuel and energy complex, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Professor Assembly. The address from the Association of Lawyers of Russia was submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on November 30, 2020.

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