Overview of Activities of Lawyers of the Fuel and Energy Sector at the Russian Energy Week 2018

Код статьиS231243500022193-0-1
Тип публикации Обзор
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Название журналаПравовой энергетический форум
ВыпускВыпуск № 4


Ключевые слова
Дата публикации21.12.2018
Кол-во символов7925
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1 On October 5, 2018, a round table discussion devoted to the Development of the Legal Regulation System in the Fuel and Energy Sector to Ensure Reliable and Safe Energy Supply to the Consumers was held within the framework of the forum.
2 Heads of the legal units and leading lawyers of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, members of the State Duma Committee on Energy, heads of the legal units and leading lawyers of companies in the Fuel and Energy Sector, Association NP Market Council, members of the Association of Layers of Russia, and representatives of the expert community discussed the most relevant issues and objectives of legal support in the sphere of energy. In the course of the discussion, the experts touched upon the issues of efficiency of legal rules for accounting and pricing in relation to the supplied energy resources, compliance of the current legal regulation system with the need to implement various investment projects of the energy infrastructure. The participants also discussed problems of the balance of interests of the suppliers and the consumers, mining, generating, transport and distribution companies, and the state upon performance of activities in the domestic energy markets. The following parties acted as the information partners of the activities of lawyers of the Fuel and Energy Sector at the Russian Energy Week 2018: the Association of Lawyers of Russia; Yurist Publishing Group; and Codex Consortium.
3 The following people made speeches at the round table:
4 Anastasia Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Kirill Makarov, Acting Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energyof the Russian Federation; Sergey Esyakov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy; Nikolay Roshchenko, member of the Board, Head of the Legal Department of Association NP Market Council; Anna Efimova, Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Chief Legal Officer at Public Joint-Stock Company Mosenergo, Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Marina Vildanova, Vice-President of Joint-Stock Company Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange, Candidate of Legal Sciences; Inna Kashlikova, Chief Legal Officer at Joint-Stock Company Trading System Administrator, Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Tamara Merebashvili, Head of the Unit of Corporate and Property Relations at Public Joint-Stock Company Inter RAO; Leonid Akimov, Director of the Legal Protection Department of Public Joint-Stock Company Rosseti, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); and Vladimir Svinarev, Advisor to President of Open Joint-Stock Company Transneft, JSC, member of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia. It was moderated by Viktoriya Romanova, Head of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). On October 6, a round table was held on the Objectives of Legal Personnel Training for the Energy Industry within the framework of the Youth Day of the Forum.
5 The participants of the round table discussed relevant lines of activities of the legal departments in the state bodies and companies of the Fuel and Energy Sector, the objectives of legal personnel training for the energy industry taking into account modern realia. Future and young lawyers in the sphere of energy were able to ask questions about work of lawyers to the heads of legal units of the fuel and energy companies, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, and lecturers of higher educational institutions. The following people made speeches at the round table: Anastasia Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation; Kirill Makarov, Acting Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; Anna Efimova, Deputy Chief Operations Officer, Chief Legal Officer at Public Joint-Stock Company Mosenergo, Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Marina Vildanova, VicePresident of Joint-Stock Company SaintPetersburg International Mercantile Exchange, Candidate of Legal Sciences; Inna Kashlikova, Chief Legal Officer at Joint-Stock Company Trading System Administrator, Lecturer of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Tamara Merebashvili, Head of the Unit of Corporate and Property Relations at Public Joint-Stock Company Inter RAO; and Andrey Malikov, Head of the Legal Department of Public JointStock Company Rosseti. The round table was, moderated by Viktoriya Romanova, Head of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).
6 On October 6, 2018, the laureates of the Future Lawyer in the Energy Sector and the Young Lawyer in the Energy Sector contests were awarded by Alexander Novak, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Kotyukov, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and Anastasia Bondarenko, the State Secretary Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. The Future Lawyer in Energy Sector contest was held among bachelors of the 4th year and candidates for a master’s degree of law universities and faculties. In the course of the contest, the jury assessed the participants’ ability to settle particular issues (cases), knowledge and ability to apply specific legal norms in various branches of energy.

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