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1. Doklad General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Osuschestvlenie Soglasheniya o garantiyakh v svyazi s DNYaO v Islamskoj Respublike Iran”. GOV/2003/40, 6 iyunya 2003 g. [Report by IAEA Director General “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran”. GOV/2003/40, June 6, 2003 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
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12. Doklad General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Osuschestvlenie Soglasheniya o garantiyakh v svyazi s DNYaO i sootvetstvuyuschikh polozhenij rezolyutsij Soveta Bezopasnosti v Islamskoj Respublike Iran”. GOV/2011/54, 2 sentyabrya 2011 g. [Report by IAEA Director General “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and Relevant Provisions of Security Council Resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran”. GOV/2011/54, September 2, 2011 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
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24. Doklad ispolnyayuschego obyazannosti General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Proverka i monitoring v Islamskoj Respublike Iran v svete rezolyutsii 2231 (2015) Soveta Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsij”. GOV/2019/32, 2 sentyabrya 2019 g. [Report by IAEA Acting Director General “Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in Light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)”. GOV/2019/32, September 2, 2019 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
25. Doklad General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Proverka i monitoring v Islamskoj Respublike Iran v svete rezolyutsii 2231 (2015) Soveta Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsij”. GOV/INF/2019/9, 8 iyulya 2019 g. [Report by IAEA Director General “Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)”, July 8, 2019 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
26. Doklad General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Proverka i monitoring v Islamskoj Respublike Iran v svete rezolyutsii 2231 (2015) Soveta Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsij”. GOV/2020/5, 4 marta 2020 g. [Report by IAEA Director General “Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in Light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)”, March 4, 2020 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
27. Doklad ispolnyayuschego obyazannosti General'nogo direktora MAGATEh “Proverka i monitoring v Islamskoj Respublike Iran v svete rezolyutsii 2231 (2015) Soveta Bezopasnosti Organizatsii Ob'edinennykh Natsij”. GOV/INF/2019/10, 9 sentyabrya 2019 g. [Report by IAEA Acting Director General “Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in Light of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015)”. GOV/INF/2019/10, September 9, 2019 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 12.05.2020).
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