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1. Completing the Internal Market: White Paper from the Commission to the European Council (C0MC85 310 final). Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, 14 June 1985. 95 p.
2. Consolidated Versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Official Journal of the European Union, 26.10.2012, vol. 55, C 326/1, pp. 1-390.
3. Council Directive 86/566/EEC of 17 November 1986 amending the First Directive of 11 May 1960 for the implementation of Article 67 of the Treaty. Official Journal L 332, 26.11.1986, p. 0022.
4. Council Directive 88/361/EEC of 24 June 1988 for the Implementation of Article 67 of the Treaty. Official Journal of the European Communities, 08.07.1988, vol. 31, L 178/5–L 178/18.
5. Butorina O.V. Ehkonomicheskaya istoriya evro. Moskva, Ves' mir, 2020. 576 c. [Butorina O.V. Ekonomicheskaya istoriya evro [Economic History of the Euro]. Moscow, All World Publishing House, 2020. 576 p.]
6. Treaty on European Union. Brussels – Luxembourg, European Communities – Council, 1992. 253 p.
7. Khudyakova L.S. Regulirovanie deyatel'nosti inostrannykh bankov v stranakh OEhSR: natsional'nyj, regional'nyj, mezhdunarodnyj aspekty. Moskva, IMEhMO 1991. 81 s. [Khudyakova L.S. Regulirovanie deyatelnosti inostrannih bankov v stranah OESR: nacionalnnii,regionalnii, mejdunarodnii aspect [Regulation of the foreign banks activities in OECD countries: national, regional, global aspects]. Moscow, IMEMO, 1991. 81 p.]
8. Novye podkhody k global'nomu finansovomu regulirovaniyu. Pod red. L.S. Khudyakovoj. Moskva, IMEhMO RAN, 2015. 162 s. [Khudyakova L.S. ed. Novyye podkhody k global'nomu finansovomu regulirovaniyu [New approaches to global financial regulation.] Moscow, IMEMO, 2015. 162 p.]
9. Christensen M., Conte A. et al. The Third Pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe: the RHOMOLO Assessment. Territorial Development – JRC Policy Insights. Seville, European Commission, November 2018. 4 p.
10. Europe’s Two Trillion Euro Dividend: Mapping the Cost of Non-Europe, 2019–24. Brussels, EPRS, PE 631.745 – April 2019. 240 p.
11. Commission Staff Working Document. Economic Analysis. Accompanying the Document. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. Brussels, European Commission, 08.06.2017. 97 p.
12. Bhatia A.V., Mitra S. et al. A Capital Market Union for Europe. IMF Staff Discussion Note, 2019. 28 p.
13. Investment Plan for Europe. Available at: (accessed 08.05.2020).
14. Capital Markets Union: Progress on Building a Single Market for Capital for a Strong Economic and Monetary Union. Brussels, European Commission, 15.03.2019. 12 p.
15. Juncker J.-Cl., Tusk D. et al. Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union. Brussels, European Commission, 2015. 23 p.
16. Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union 2015. Brussels, European Commission, 30.09.2015. 30 p.
17. Feedback Statement on the Green Paper “Building a Capital Markets Union”. Brussels, European Commission, 30.09.2015. 64 p.
18. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. Brussels, European Commission, 08.06.2017. 22 p.
19. Factsheet: Mid-term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan. 08.06.2017. 4 r. Available at: (accessed 03.05.2020).
20. Financial Integration and Structure in the Euro Area. Frankfurt am Main, ECB, March 2020. 133 p.
21. Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the Prospectus to Be Published when Securities Are Offered to The Public or Admitted to Trading on a Regulated Market, and Repealing Directive 2003/71/EC. Official Journal of the European Union, 30.6.2017, pp. L 168/12– L 168/82.
22. Delivering on the Capital Markets Union. Brussels, European Commission, 2019. 4 p.
23. A New Vision for Europe’s Capital Markets. Interim Report. Brussels, High-Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union, 20.02.2020. 17 p.
24. Capital Markets Union – Reboot: a Policy Discussion on the Future of the Capital Markets Union. Brussels, ECOFIN, 09.09.2019. 5 p.
25. Capital Markets Union – Key Performance Indicators (Second Edition). Brussels, AFME. 16.10.2019. 64 p.
26. Khudyakova L.S. Sozdanie sistemy ustojchivogo finansirovaniya v Evropejskom soyuze. Mirovaya ehkonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2019, t. 63, № 7, ss. 16-22. [Khudyakova L.S. Sozdaniye sistemy ustoychivogo finansirovaniya v Yevropeyskom soyuze [Creating a sustainable financing system in the European Union]. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya, 2019, vol. 63, no 7, pp. 16-22.] DOI:10.20542/0131-2227-2019-63-7-16-22
27. Savings and Sustainable Investment Union. Brussels, The Next CMU High-Level Expert Group. October 2019. 51 p.
28. Performance and Costs of Retail Investment Products in the EU. Brussels, ESMA Annual Statistical Report. 10.01.2019. 118 p.
29. FESE Blueprint. Capital Markets Union by 2024. A Vision for Europe. Brussels, FESE, 28 May 2019. 58 p.
30. Number of Unicorns Worldwide as of January 2020, by Country. Available at: (accessed 08.05.2020).