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1. Cai Fang. The Logic of the Successful Experience of China’s Reform. Social Sciences in China, 2019, no. 3, pp. 5-21. DOI:10.1080/02529203.2019.1639951
2. 洪永淼. 如何将中国特色社会主义伟大实践提炼为原创性经济理论, 经济研究, 2019年第10期, 第21-23页. [Hong Yongmiao. How to Refine the Great Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics into the Original Economic Theory. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 10, pp. 21-23 (In Chin.)]
3. 林毅夫. 新中国70年和新结构经济学理论创新, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第16-18页. [Lin Yifu. 70 Years of New China and Theoretical Innovations of New Structural Economics. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 16-18 (In Chin.)]
4. 樊纲. 中国70年的发展实践与发展经济学理论的发展, 经济研究, 2019年第10期, 第19-21页. [Fan Gang. The Practice of China’s Development over 70 Years and the Development of Development Economics. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 10, pp. 19-21 (In Chin.)]
5. Xie Fuzhan. China’s Economic Development and Development Economics Innovation. Social Sciences in China, 2019, no. 2, pp. 100-110. DOI:10.1080/02529203.2019.1595082
6. 谢伏瞻. 中国经济学的理论创新:政府与市场关系的视角, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第4-6页. [Xie Fuzhan. Theoretical Innovations of Chinese Economics from the Perspective of Relations between Government and the Market. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 4-6 (In Chin.)]
7. 田国强. 从70年发展看中国改革开放, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第22-24页. [Tian Guoqiang. Reform and Openness in China from the Standpoint of 70 Years of Development. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 22-24 (In Chin.)]
8. 任泽平谈2019统计公报:2028年前后或成第一大经济体. [Ren Zeping Speaks about Statistical Communiqué 2019: Around 2028 China Will Probably Become the Biggest Economy (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 28.03.2020).
9. 蔡昉. 最快的回升:最大最快的人口转变, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第14-16页. [Cai Fang. The Fastest Rise: the Biggest and Fastest Demographic Transition. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 14-16 (In Chin.)]
10. 张卓元. 新中国经济学发展的若干特点, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第9-12页. [Zhang Zhuoyuan. Some Characteristic Features of the Development of Economics in New China. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 9-12 (In Chin.)]
11. 黄群慧. 百年目标视野下的新中国工业化进程, 经济研究, 2019年第9期, 第18-22页. [Huang Qunhui. The Process of Industrialization of New China from the Perspective of Centenary Goals. Economic Research Journal, 2019, no. 9, pp. 18-22 (In Chin.)]
12. 金灿荣.“当今世界百年未有之大变局”的五个视角. 东北亚学刊, 2019年第3期, 第13-17页. [Jin Canrong. “Huge Changes of Contemporary World Unseen in One Hundred Years” from Five Perspectives. Journal of Northeast Asia Studies, 2019, no. 3, pp. 13-17 (In Chin.)]
13. 张蕴岭. 对“百年之大变局”的分析与思考. 山东大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2019年第5期, 第1-15页. [Zhang Yunling. Analysis and Thoughts on “Great Changes in One Hundred Years”. Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2019, no. 5, pp. 1-15 (In Chin.)]
14. 2019 年度重大社会思潮研判. 人民论坛, 2019年第35期, 第12-17页. [Research and Assessment of Major Social Thoughts in 2019. People's Tribune, 2019, no. 35, pp. 12-17 (In Chin.)]
15. 杜黎明. 应对持续发酵的逆全球化思潮亟需完善国际治理. 人民论坛, 2019年第35期, 第18-21页. [Du Liming. To cope with Continuous Fermentation of the Anti-globalization Trend there is Urgent Need to Improve International Governance. People's Tribune, 2019, no. 35, pp. 18-21 (In Chin.)]
16. 王辉耀. 破解“逆全球化”的中国方案. 前线, 2019年第5期, 第47-48页. [Wang Huiyao. Explaining Chinese Plan under Conditions of “Anti-globalization”. Frontline, 2019, no. 5, pp. 47-48 (In Chin.)]
17. Zhang Yuyan. China’s Opening Up Idea, Process and Logic. Social Sciences in China, 2019, no. 2, pp. 134-151. DOI:10.108002529203.2019.1595104
18. Mead Walter Russell. China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia: Its financial markets may be even more dangerous than its wildlife markets. Wall Street Journal, 03.02.2020. Available at: (accessed 15.03.2020).
19. 中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 研究新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议, 人民日报, 2020年01月26日, 01版. [The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee held a Meeting to Study the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19, CCP Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping Presided over the Meeting. People’s Daily, 26.01.2020 (In Chin.)]
20. 习近平. 在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上的讲话 (2020年2月23日), 人民日报, 2020年02月24日, 02版. [Xi Jinping. Speech at a Meeting to Advance the Work on Coordinating the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 and Economic and Social Development. People’s Daily, 24.02.2020 (In Chin.)]
21. 揭晓. 战“疫”彰显“中国之治”的鲜明特色. [Jie Xiao. The War against Epidemics Highlights the Distinctive Features of “China’s Governance” (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 28.03.2020).
22. 习近平. 为打赢疫情防控阻击战提供强大科技支撑. 求是. 2020年第6期. [Xi Jinping. Provide Strong Scientific and Technological Support for Winning the Battle for Epidemic Prevention and Control. Qiushi, 2020, no 6 (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 30.03.2020).
23. 闯关夺隘再向前 (经济长期向好的基本面没有改变 4)– 疫情影响下的中国经济观察, 人民日报, 2020年03月21日, 01版. [Overcome Difficulties and Move Forward Again (The Basic Situation of Long-term Improvement Trend in the Economy did not Change 4) – Survey of Chinese Economy under the Impact of the Epidemic. People’s Daily, 21.03.2020 (In Chin.)]
24. 剧锦文:新冠肺炎疫情后中国经济发展的动力转换. [Ju Jinwen: Change of Drivers of Economic Development in China after the Epidemic of the COVID-19 (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 28.03.2020).
25. 作合. 让“宅经济”行稳致远, 人民日报, 2020年03月25日, 19版. [Zuo He. Let Stay-at-Home Economy be Sustainable and Long-term. People’s Daily, 25.03.2020 (In Chin.)]
26. 习近平在二十国集团领导人特别峰会上的重要讲话 (全文) [Full text of Xi Jinping’s Speech at Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit (In Chin.)] Available at: (accessed 28.03.2020).