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1. Israel J. Dutch Primacy in World Trade: 1585–1740. Oxford, Clarendon, 2002. 488 p.
2. Depledge D. Britain and the Arctic. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 142 p.
3. The Transfer of Arctic Territories from Great Britain to Canada in 1880, and Some Related Matters, As Seen in Official Correspondence (1961 March). Available at: (accessed 9.04.2019).
4. Staveley W. An Overview of British Defence Policy in the North. Britain and NATO’s Northern Flank. London, Macmillan Press, 1988, pp. 65-73.
5. UK-Arctic Stakeholders report of conference held at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban 10–12 March 2008. Available at: (accessed 12.03.2019).
6. Depledge D. What’s in a Name? A UK Arctic Policy Framework for 2013. The Geographical Journal, 2013, no. 179, pp. 369-372.
7. Arctic Committee. Select Committee on the Arctic: Oral and Written Evidence. Available at: (accessed 22.04.2018).
8. Johnstone R.L. An Arctic Strategy for Scotland. Arctic Yearbook, 2012, no. 1, pp. 114-129.
9. Launch of "Beyond the Ice: UK policy towards the Arctic". Available at: (accessed 17.04.2019).
10. China's Arctic Policy. The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a white paper titled “China’s Arctic Policy” on Jan 26. Available at: (accessed 15.03.2019).
11. Antyushina N.M. Arktika: novyj format mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva. Moskva, Institut Evropy RAN, 2014. 138 s. [Antyushina N.M. Arktika: novyi format mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva [Arctic: a new format of international cooperation]. Moscow, Institut Evropy RAS, 2014. 138 p.]
12. New frontiers in science diplomacy: navigating the changing balance of power. London, Science Policy Centre, 2010. 32 p.
13. Natural Environment Research Council. Available at: (accessed 18.04.2019).
14. The UK Arctic science community is active and growing. Available at: (accessed 09.04.2019).
15. V Britanii nachalos' stroitel'stvo polyarnogo sudna "Sehr Dehvid Attenboro". [In Britain began to build polar naval ship "Sir David Attenborough" (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 19.04.2019).
16. UK Science and Innovation Network. Available at: (accessed 23.12.2018).
17. UK Research and Innovation. Available at: (accessed 09.02.2019).
18. Genri Berdzhess rasskazal o perspektivnykh napravleniyakh sotrudnichestva Velikobritanii i Rossii v Arktike. [Henry Burgess spoke about the promising areas of cooperation between the UK and Russia in the Arctic (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 09.01.2019).
19. UK Arctic Science Conference 2017. Available at: (accessed 26.09.2019).
20. UK – Russia Arctic Bursaries Programme 2019. Available at: (accessed 26.09.2019).
21. Yaponiya, Daniya i Norvegiya khotyat pol'zovat'sya Sevmorputem. [Japan, Denmark and Norway want to use the North Sea Route (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 26.09.2019).
22. On Thin Ice: UK Defense in the Arctic. Twelfth Report of Session 2017–19. Available at: (accessed 09.01.2019).
23. Britaniya vstupaet v bitvu za Arktiku. [Britain enters the battle for the Arctic (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 18.03.2019).
24. Mart'yanov V.S., Pankevich N.V., Startsev Ya.Yu., Ehmikh V.V. Interesy mirovykh derzhav v Arktike po rezul'tatam monitoringa veduschikh SMI. Sotsium i vlast', 2017, № 2(64), ss. 41-52. [Mart'yanov V.S., Pankevich N.V., Startsev Ya.Yu., Emikh V.V. Interesy mirovykh derzhav v Arktike po rezul'tatam monitoringa vedushchikh SMI. [The interests of the world powers in the Arctic as a result of monitoring of the leading media]. Sotsium i vlast', 2017, no. 2(64), pp. 41-52.]