Internet stylistics. Pragmatic aspect

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Московский государственный университет
Address: Russia
Moscow State University
Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameLinguistica Fundamentalis
EditionIssue 2 (2)

This paper provides a comparative analysis of the patterns of formation and qualities of a modern linear text and an Internet text. The article is the result of the study of Internet text stylistics, based mainly on Russian-language texts from Russia and Ukraine. The paper considers the process of formation of a new type of text - the Internet text. Being essentially different from the classical linear text, the Internet text does not lend itself well to the description based on the classical text theory. Thus, the Internet text is not complete, vectorial, not united by the completeness of thought expression. An important characteristic of the Internet text is its interactivity, which means that the roles of addressee and addressee are constantly changing. In addition, it is difficult, or even impossible, to define the boundaries of the Internet text due to its hypertextuality, which has become habitual intertextuality. All the above-mentioned aspects make up the pragmatics of the Internet text as a subspecies of the media text.

Another crucial problem addressed in the paper is the study of the regularities of Internet communication in general and the stylistics of the Internet text. In the course of the research it became obvious that speech aggression and violation of norms of speech culture are stylistic dominants of online communication. This influenced the formation of other stylistic dominants such as, hate speech, fake, hype, clickbait, etc. Internet style is clearly characterized by being provocative, aggressive, hostile. The problems of bullying, humiliation of human dignity, invective and obscenity are actively studied from the standpoint of linguoecology, because, according to most researchers, the constant neglect of communicative and linguistic norms leads to the degradation of the national language style and literary norms. Despite the fact that there is still a division between public and interpersonal online communication, i.e. formal and informal, the problems of speech behavior of Internet users are becoming increasingly relevant.

KeywordsInternet communications, Internet stylistics, clickbait, hype, language of hate
Publication date08.12.2023
Number of characters35364
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2 With the arrival of the Internet and the development of digital technologies new opportunities and new ways of mass, group and interpersonal communication became possible. The phenomenon of Internet communication attracts attention of researchers from different fields of humanities. There are philosophical, sociological, political and other studies on the Internet and virtual networks society (see [Bell, 1999; Castells, 2004; Rashkoff, 2003; Webster, 2004; Silverstone, 2006; Deleuze, 2007; Machleder, 2011] etc.). These and other studies analyze the impact of the internet on modern society, on the psychology, which provides a basis for their further exploration by the social sciences.

In linguistics and stylistics the phenomenon of the Internet is far from being fully examined, although there is a massive amount of studies done both by foreign (D. Crystal, B. Tošović, E. I. Goroshko, etc.) and Russian researchers (S. F. Barysheva, E. V. Gorina, M.V. Ivanova, L.T. Kasperova, N.I. Klushina, T.I. Kolokoltseva, M.A. Krongauz, A.V. Nikolaeva, L.N. Sinelnikova, N.V. Smirnova, etc.), who are actively engaged in this area.

4 Various Internet genres are described in detail in modern linguistics (M.V. Ivanova, L.T. Kasperova, N.I. Klushina, N.V. Smirnova, etc.), although so far there’s still no complete typology of genres. The scholars thoroughly study word-formative neologisms evolving in Internet communication (S.V. Ilyasova, L.V. Ratsiburskaya, E.V. Shchennikova, etc.). Special attention is paid to the problems of ecolinguistics which directly relates to the development of digital technologies. These include such issues as verbal aggression, trolling, cyber-bullying and others (A. Negryshev, A. Nikolaeva, L. Sinelnikova, etc.). The detailed in-depth studies analyze language trends in Internet communication, such as: word-formation innovations, the nature of oral and written communication, dialogue, colloquialization of communication, expressiveness, coarsening and rudeness of speech on the Internet (see [Internet Communication as a New Speech Formation, 2012]) and several other works. Defended Ph.D. and doctoral theses on the Internet (see [Patrusheva, 2015; Kushakova, 2016; Gorina, 2016] and some other works).
5 Thus, we can highlight three periods in modern scientific coverage of the Internet, which have influenced the formation and development of Internet linguistics. The first period is a philosophical PERCEPTION of the Internet phenomenon as a new form of social life, which eventually forms a new digital society and a new digital public mentality. The second period is the accumulation of knowledge about changes in mass, group and interpersonal communication influenced by Internet technologies. Finally, the third period is a description of the contemporary state of language on the Internet.
6 Complex research based on methodology derived from various sciences is necessary, because the problem of defining Internet communication is that it is fragmented and not unified. For example, only separate layers of Internet communication are studied by the systemic approach. The most fully researched and described layers are word-formation and vocabulary, in particular, words derived from foreign languages and neologisms. The phraseological layer (Internet phraseology / network phraseology) hasn’t yet been studied. Moreover, the research into the phonetic, syntactic and even textual layers is still not sufficient. In addition, a typology of network genres has not been formed yet [Barysheva, 2015]. It is necessary to study the Internet language based on the insights of cognitive linguistics and using its scientific tools and approaches. A comparative method, in which classical linear texts and hypertext can be compared, can yield interesting results. In other words, it is time to move from collecting random data to complex descriptions and building consistent linguistic concepts [Dobrosklonskaya, 2008].
7 Factually, stylistics is the most developed and advanced discipline for this purpose. It has developed an established research area – Internet stylistics, which focuses on internet texts.

We associate the start of Internet stylistics with the publication of the monograph “Internet stylistics” by an Austrian researcher Branko Tošović, who is a member of the Stylistic Commission of the International Committee of Slavists (under the auspices of UNESCO) [Tošović, 2015]. He is also the author of a conceptual study “The structure of Internet stylistics” [Tošović, 2018a].

9 Internet-stylistics is presented as a systemic description of functional styles on the Internet and the changes caused by features of online communication in each layer of those styles.
10 Internet-stylistics is presented as a development of functional styles in a new extra-linguistic environment, recording changes in language and style of the new form of communication. However, functional Internet style as a special style is still debatable in modern functional stylistics.

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