The Forms of Slavic Politeness vs. Categories of Slavic Mentality: Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLinguistica Fundamentalis
EditionIssue 2 (2)

The article concerns the means of expressing politeness of the Speaker in Slavic languages: Russian, Polish (the most detailed description), Check, Bulgarian and Macedonian. The aspects of study of the forms of politeness and the names of politeness types, precise from the point of view of thought and form are analyzed. The forms of politeness of Slavic languages are considered comparatively with the forms of politeness of Japanese language as they are presented in the works of V.M. Alpatov. V.M. Alpatov worked out the theory of Japanese forms of politeness which is useful for the researches of etiquette in the Slavic languages and it is showed in the article. Changing in the rules of the politeness, caused by the democratization of communication, is also mentioned. The connections between rules of the politeness and the mentality of Slavic nations are revealed. The categorical specificity of forms of politeness in different Slavic languages is showed. The material is analyzed from the point of view of presence / absence of some parameters in above mentioned Slavic languages. There is underlined that the forms of politeness are for native speakers natural and organic; their structure and hierarchy they do not observe and reflect. The didactic aspects of the subject are analyzed as very important ones.

Keywordsforms of politeness, contrastive analysis, categories of politeness, democratization of communication, “linguistic baroque”, Slavic mentality, Slavic languages, Japanese language
Publication date08.12.2023
Number of characters40764
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1 The article concerns the means of expressing politeness of the Speaker in Slavic languages: Russian, Polish (the most detailed description), Check, Bulgarian and Macedonian. The aspects of study of the forms of politeness and the names of politeness types, precise from the point of view of thought and form are analyzed. The forms of politeness of Slavic languages are considered comparatively with the forms of politeness of Japanese language as they are presented in the works of V.M. Alpatov. V.M. Alpatov worked out the theory of Japanese forms of politeness which is useful for the researches of etiquette in the Slavic languages and it is showed in the article. Changing in the rules of the politeness, caused by the democratization of communication, is also mentioned. The connections between rules of the politeness and the mentality of Slavic nations are revealed. The categorical specificity of forms of politeness in different Slavic languages is showed. The material is analyzed from the point of view of presence / absence of some parameters in above mentioned Slavic languages. There is underlined that the forms of politeness are for native speakers natural and organic; their structure and hierarchy they do not observe and reflect. The didactic aspects of the subject are analyzed as very important ones.
2 The categories of politeness appear at all levels of the language, covering a huge area of ​​communication. The knowledge of these categories is extremely important for adequate communication in a foreign language. It seems that within the study of the Slavic languages forms of politeness should be studied both in the field of research (many segments here have not been investigated) and in linguodidactics. Considering the aforementioned it seems scientifically and didactically appropriate to establish the correlation of the forms of politeness in the various Slavic languages ​​with the Japanese forms of politeness on the basis of a number of parameters presented in the works of V.M. Alpatov. These works include the book “The category of politeness in the modern Japanese language” [Alpatov, 1973] (which was published five times already (see [Alpatov, 2015a]) as well as his articles devoted to various aspects of presentation of politeness in the Japanese language on the basis of different parts of speech and constructional linguistic units. The most important issue in his works is that the Japanese forms of politeness are analyzed in correlation with the European languages ​​and cultures. The aforecited book provides the readymade successful formulations of the aspects of study of the forms of politeness and the names of politeness types, precise from the point of view of thought and form. This book quickly became a well-known literary work in the field of speech etiquette and the starting point for many researchers. It became a matrix which serves as a reliable tool for reconciliation with the correlating material of the other languages and allows revealing the working model of the forms of politeness of almost any language.
3 The categories of politeness appear in the language as an important means of regulating the human speech behaviour, as an indicator of communiqués within a society. Not occasionally they belong to the category of linguistic pragmatics. The Japanese language in view of its vivid verbal expressiveness of politeness forms and their extreme branching (we can call them figuratively the linguistic baroque) occupies a special place among the most spread world languages.
4 The forms of politeness in the Slavic languages ​​in comparison with the same in the Japanese language reveal themselves less vividly, however, the undoubted specificity of each of them has a categorical nature. Their parameterization directs the attention (we can call it a “sense of smell”) to the sphere of expression of the forms of politeness, and, on the basis of another language material, helps to establish the set of forms of politeness in this particular language. On the basis created by V.M. Alpatov one can already identify the new discrepancies in the sphere of politeness in comparison with the Japanese language.
5 Let us consider the individual parameters of the forms of politeness in the Japanese language and match them against the Slavic language material in terms of presence / absence of the similar parameter. Analyzing the language material through the prism of the parameter highest – equal – lowest, highlighted by V.M. Alpatov, I will refer primarily to the Polish language material which is professionally close to me, although in every Slavic language one can find a lot of specifically interesting forms of politeness.
6 The Polish researchers were always interested in the problem of speech etiquette, but in the XXI century their interest especially in the forms of politeness significantly increased. In the work of M. Marcjanik “Primer of linguistic politeness” [Marcjanik, 2015: 231-310] the Polish speech etiquette is described in details by sections in terms of normativity: Methods of addressing people; Offer of assistance; Etiquette errors; Starting formula of public speaking; Responsibilities of women and men in the field of politeness; Non-linguistic politeness. The book describes the etiquette in business, in the street, in media, in trade and services, in public transport, hospitals, social institutions, in relation to people with special needs; line of politeness priest parishioners, teacher pupil, boss subordinate, in interaction between the neighbours. The book contains the following sections: compliments, refusal, gratitude, instructions, greetings, farewells, requests, self-representations and representations of other people, turn from You to you (to the first name basis), apologizing, polite questions, expressions of compassion; politeness strategies. The Annex contains the address and honorific forms used in relation to the President of the Republic of Poland, representatives of his office, the prime minister and his staff, members of the Senate, diplomatic personnel, employees of the local governments, university and research workers and other. The book also covers the communication in schools, including the schools of creative professions.

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