A new stage in the development of Sino-Latin American relations

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Latin America of RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 12

The article examines a new phenomena in relations between the countries of Latin America and China after 2014. The first part of the article analyzes the nature of Sino-Latin American trade, features of Chinese direct investment and financial capital investments in 2000-2013, the contradictory impact of Chinese expansion on the economies of the countries of the region. In the second part, new trends in Chinese-Latin American cooperation are being identified: expanding areas of cooperation, creating its institutional platform - the permanent China-CELAC forum, developing a political dialogue, increasing investment in transport infrastructure, services, and technological development. These trends are dictated by China's interests, changes in the model of development of its economy and in its foreign economic strategy, at the same time, they largely coincide with the interests of the LAC countries. Nevertheless, this does not guarantee cloudless relations and does not eliminate considerable risks, especially for LAC countries.

KeywordsSino-Latin American cooperation, trade diversification, transport infrastructure, China-CELAC forum, One belt-one road initiative, political dialogue
Publication date25.12.2018
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