Comintern and the founding of the Communist Party of Peru

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article focuses on the character of relations between the Communist International (Comintern) and the Peruvian Left movement in 1930. Based on a wide source base, including documents of archives, the article author the causes of the reorganization of the Peruvian Socialist Party. While the role of the Comintern was significant, the process never was unilateral one: the Peruvian communists, led by Jose Carlos Mariátegui, sought to build a Communist party, realizing the gradual aggravation of the internal political situation in their country (the economic crisis, repressions by the dictatorial regime of A. Leguía, the break with the APRA, etc.). It appears that the creation of the Communist Party of Peru didn’t occur under the orders of the Comintern, but as a result of its complex and mutual cooperation with the Peruvian communists.

KeywordsComintern, Peru, Mariategui, Communist Party of Peru, Ravines
Publication date10.11.2023
Number of characters37935
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