Stability factors of an unstable coalition. Spain 2020-2023

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies of RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The study is aimed at identifying factors that posed a threat to the coalition government of Spain (2020-2023), or contributed to its stability. Based on the theory of party coalitions, the author highlights the Strengths of the coalition, its Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and compiles a SWOT matrix. Based on the conviction that the early dissolution of the parliament, which led to the early resignation of the government, was more of a tactical move (to improve electoral positions), rather than a forced measure, and 4-5 months remained before the end of the constitutional term of its activity, the author considers Spain's first experience of a nationwide coalition government as successful. Among the Strengths of the government coalition are the political ambitions of the head of the government and his ability to maneuver between the interests of a large number of small parties, seeking their support.

Keywordscoalition government, political stability, political parties, Spain, political process
Publication date10.11.2023
Number of characters30151
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