The reconfiguration of the left forces in Colombia in the 21st century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The article analyzes the position of the Colombian leftist camp in the 21st century. It examines not only the position of the movement at the present stage, but also demon-strates the evolution of the key principles of its activity, starting from the 1950s. The efficiency and effectiveness of the democratic approach of the left are evaluated. The study identifies three stages in the history of the movement: the left in the conditions of a parity system, in a situation of political transformation in the 1990-2000s, the left on the way to victory in the presidential elections in 2022. A feature of the approach used is the emphasis on assessing the democratic struggle of the left for power, which serves as an addition to the existing fundamental works on the armed phase of the development of the left movement. At the same time, the article touches upon the problem of the evolution of the armed wing of the left and their position in the modern political system. The study concludes with an attempt to determine the prospects for Gustavo Petro to stay in power after his victory in the presidential elections in 2022 in the international and domestic political context.

KeywordsColombia, left movement, FARC, ELN, progressism, Gustavo Petro
Publication date07.10.2022
Number of characters45531
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