The development of the Communist Party within the left movement of Venezuela (1928—1945)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The article analyzes the relationship of the communist movement with other left-wing opposition parties and movements from the very beginning of the formation of opposition to the dictatorial regime of Juan Vicente Gomez in the 1920s until the military coup in 1945. The commitment to the formation of a political party solely on the basis of the proletarian electorate had a decisive importance in the issue of interaction of communists with the rest of the Venezuelan opposition and led to the loss of the Communist Party's ability to lead the masses in the struggle against the regime in the period after the dissolution, which was reflected in the events that occurred after the dissolution of the Third, Communist, International. The work is based on a structuralist approach to the historical process and, while analyzing the development of the Communist Party within the framework of the left movement through the study of domestic and foreign bibliography, is based on archival documents of the III Comintern Communist International. In the article, the author identifies the features and main trends in the development of the Communist Party of Venezuela, and comes to conclusions about the role of the communist movement in the development of the left movement of Venezuela and its role in the development of the left movement. The development of the Communist Party of the country of Venezuela at the first stages of its development directly depended on the policy of the Comintern of Moscow, which could sometimes lead to erroneous decisions that led to a split in the ranks of the Venezuelan communists and the loss of potential allies.

KeywordsVenezuela, PCV, leftist movement, Comintern, Democratic Action Party
Publication date07.10.2022
Number of characters34479
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