Uruguay and the USSR in 1945–1991: bilateral relations in the context of the left movement

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 9

In modern international conditions Russia is forced to change the vectors of its foreign policy. Moscow paying attention to the countries of Latin America, seeing them as its political and economic partner. However, Russian-Latin American relations have historical traditions formed during the Cold War. The purpose of this article is to show the development of bilateral relations between the USSR and Uruguay in the second half of the 20th century in the context of the development of the Latin American left movement. Based on archival materials, press, memoirs, the article shows how contacts between the left parties of Uruguay and the CPSU influenced to the formation of relations between the two states. Using diplomatic documents, the author reveals the main stages and events of bilateral relations.

KeywordsUSSR, Comintern, leftist movement in Latin America, Soviet-Uruguayan relations
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared under the RSF grant 19-18-00305-P “Comintern in Latin America: historical traditions and political processes”.
Publication date06.09.2022
Number of characters30359
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