The state and the individual. The politics of gender diversity in Latin America

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 9

The article examines the key aspects of gender diversity policy in Latin American countries, as well as philosophical theories that served as a scientific justification for the deconstruction of the binary system, depathologization and normalization of gender non-conformity. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the transgender legislation of Argentina that is recognized by international organizations as the most progressive in the world. The author comes to conclusion that the effectiveness of LGBTI+ rights policy is influenced by such factors as the level of economic development of the state, political ideology and the degree of secularization of society. The main determinant is the activity of social-democratic regimes, which act as drivers of such transformations despite the negative attitude of the majority of the population. Thus, the state's goal of a positive assessment of gender diversity, the reform of the educational system, the stigmatization of psychotherapy and the silencing of negative consequences of gender transition have led to an increase in the number of gender correction surgeries, the emergence of a wide range of identities, as well as to the split of society and the formation of a large-scale anti-gender movement. The content and conclusions of the article and the provided statistical data may be of interest not only for researchers in the Latin American region, but also for specialists in the field of medicine dealing with gender identity disorders.

Keywordsgender diversity, the right to gender identity, binary matrix, non-binary people, transgender, gender correction, LGBTI+
Publication date06.09.2022
Number of characters31851
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