The Bolivian puzzle. Why did MAS win the elections again one year after the overthrow?

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Independent author
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 9

The Luis Arce’s victory in the elections of the 2020 in Bolivia, on one hand, could be perceived as an unexpected one due to an extremely adverse political situation for the Movement toward the Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS), but on the other hand it’s still understandable and attributable to some circumstances of the moment, as well as to some fundamental characteristics of the Bolivian society with its political culture peculiarities, complex social structure and the factor of the indigenous ethnic voting. The indigenous ethnic voting factor seems to gain more importance in the Andean region, if we consider the recent elections in Ecuador and Peru in the 2021. Moreover, the return of the MAS to power in Bolivia shall be analysed within the other regional phenomenon which is the strengthening of the left forces positions, contrary to the mid-2010s forecasts about the “right turn” in the Latin America.

Keywordselections, ethnic voting, Movement towards the Socialism, Luis Arce, left turn
Publication date24.08.2021
Number of characters20634
100 rub.
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