“Indigenous question” in Peru. Historical background and actual state of inter-ethnic dialogue

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

This article offers an inquiry into the role of indigenous community in nation- and state-building processes in Peru. It argues that the concept of “miscegenation” provides the theoretical background of the ethnic politics in this Latin America country. The cultural element of this politics has been playing a decisive role in harmonizing ethnic and social relations over the last century. Moreover, it managed to prevent the radicalization of the Indigenous movement during the hard times of internal armed conflict and when the country was ruled by Alberto Fujimori`s administration.

The author deems that, despite these important achievements, sharp contradictions between Peruvian state and indigenous peoples persist. For instance – the imbalances in the social development of the indigenous and non-indigenous parts of the society or the conflicts over the mining expansion in the territories of indigenous settlements. Nevertheless, taking into account the political realities of Latin American countries (traditional dominance of creole elites, weakness of democratic institutions, authoritarian tendencies in political governance), Peru could be depicted as an example of a relatively successful integration of the indigenous peoples in social and political processes, in comparison, for example, with Guatemala, Mexico or Ecuador.

Keywordsindigenous community, ethnic policy, nation building, staunch political sway of local landlords, political parties and movements, struggle for the rights, armed conflict, terrorist organizations
Publication date30.09.2020
Number of characters45295
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