The art of life in two worlds: New Spain indigenous nobility in XVI—XVII centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: The Russian Museum of Ethnography
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 2

The article examines legal and social-economical situation of the indigenous nobility in the Viceroyalty of New Spain – vast administrative unit created by Spanish conquerors on the territory of modern Mexico and Central America in 1535. It also raises the question of adaptation strategies of indigenous elites to new social, economical and cultural realities focusing on three case studies of native elite members in the Basin of Mexico, western and south-western Mexico. The emphasis is maid on the politics of the Spanish Crown toward the indigenous elite and factors that determined it. The article accentuates the interest of Spanish secular authorities and the Catholic Church in maintaining privileged position of indigenous nobility to use them as mediators in government of the bulk of Indian population. It also raise question about adaptation strategies of aboriginal elites to new social, economical and cultural conditions applying three case studies: the children of the last Prehispanic ruler of the “Aztec empire” Moctezoma Xocoyotzin, the descendants of the last ruler of Tarascan (Purepecha) state Tzimtzincha Tangaxuan in the west of Mexico, and Mixtec caciques of Oaxaca – historical region in the southwestern Mexico. In each case economical and legal situation of these indigenous nobles, the degree of their general hispanization and involvement in economical and social relations of viceroyalty are examined. The article draws conclusion about relatively rapid and successful integration of indigenous nobility in colonial society through well-elaborated and successfully realized adaptation strategies to new economical, social and cultural realities, including “voluntary” acceptance of Christianity.

KeywordsNew Spain, indigenous nobility, social and legal status, adaptation strategies
Publication date07.02.2020
Number of characters27214
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