Nationalism in Latin America in XXI century: ideas, metamorphosis, cases

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 10

The article explores the specificity of the Latin American nationalism in 21st century in its connection with the international context. The study is based on the classification method and the historical-comparative method. Construing the nationalism broadly, as the idea of a nation as the superior political value and social community, the authors first make brief remarks on the origins of contemporary Latin American nationalism and formulate its types. Then, three regional examples are analyzed: the nationalism of the “new left”, the right-wing nationalistic project of J. Bolsonaro in Brazil, modern Argentine Peronism as “centrist” nationalism, which was formed on the basis of a mass political movement. Thus, the authors show how nationalism can be combined with various ideological and regime contexts. The article focuses on the practical implementation of nationalist worldviews in the political course of leaders and parties, as well as discursive ones. The fact that the issue raised by the authors is not sufficiently disclosed in modern Latin American studies in Russia yet accounts for the theoretical importance of the present study. At the same time, analysis of the modern forms of Latin American nationalism makes it possible to see the current political and ideological dynamics of the region as a whole more fully.

KeywordsLatin America, nationalism, continentalism, Bolivarianism, Peronism, developmental state
Publication date26.09.2019
Number of characters38036
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