Latin American destiny of the Comintern: reflections about the new biographical dictionary (Lazar Jeifets, Victor Jeifets. América Latina en la Internacional Comunista (1919–1943). Diccionario bio-gráfico. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2017)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 3

This publication reviews a new edition of the biographical dictionary of the figures of the Comintern and the communist movement in Latin America. The review shows the main scientific achievements of the authors of the dictionary, its role for contemporary research in the field of the Latin American left movement. The article considers the place of the new edition in the modern domestic and foreign historiography.

KeywordsComintern, Latin America, communism
Publication date13.03.2019
Number of characters13222
100 rub.
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