Political trends in Latin America and the Caribbean at the present stage

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Managua
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article deals with complex and contradictory processes of political transformation of the Latin American region under the conditions of the actual electoral cycle, which are accompanied by the growth of utilitarian and national-patriotic approaches of both right- and left-wing elites coming to power. Despite the prevailing opinion about the current "center-right deviation" in Latin America, also related to the North American factor, the author believes that representatives of non-radical, moderate forces of both political sides get the upper hand, demonstrating increasingly pragmatic approaches to internal, regional and international processes, which opens up additional opportunities for the development of Russian-Latin American relations.

KeywordsRussia, Latin America, elections, flexibility, moderation, pragmatism, orientation, neoliberal.
Publication date02.11.2018
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