Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, г. Москва, ул. А. Невского, 108
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes of transformation of international tax law. The scientific interest of the authors is related to the theoretical and legal study of these issues in the context of ensuring national interests. Purpose: to reveal the content of the transformation of international tax law, to consider the trends in the development of interstate relations in the tax sphere. Methods: the study is based on the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and formal-logical method. Results: the authors note that the international legal regulation of tax relations is the most important component of the general system of tax and legal regulation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the outlines of a new, more complex structure of relations have emerged, requiring scientific understanding, since it directly affects the national tax base, which serves as a key source of income and actually forms the basis of the financial sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The authors regret to state that the effectiveness of international legal regulation in the tax sphere has been steadily decreasing lately. Along with the problems of devaluation of international agreements, they note a significant loss of the role of tax treaties in preserving and increasing tax potential and establishing fair taxation. The article points to a shift in the vector of using tax treaties in the direction of reorientation towards friendly states, which is fully consistent with the national economic interests of the Russian Federation.

Keywordstax, transformation, tax treaty, denunciation, suspension of tax treaties, 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
Publication date01.03.2024
100 rub.
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