Criteria for the progress of the state and law

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Occupation: Deputy Head for Educational and Scientific work, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio - Economic Disciplines,
Affiliation: The Far Eastern Fire and Rescue Academy is a branch of the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Address: Russian Federation,

The problems of social progress, the directions of development of the state and law have not lost their relevance since the birth of human civilization. The reason for this study is the need to detect patterns in the genesis of the state and law, to determine the nature of their development. The author sets himself the task of revealing philosophical and legal ideas about the progressive evolutionary development of the state and law, ensuring the well-being and security of the individual and society.

 Considering the genesis of the state and law as their origin, development and existence, the author uses the method of state-legal modeling, as well as comparative legal and historical-legal methods that allow assessing the main features of social progress associated with the search and provision of universal values that are supranational in nature.

The uniqueness and uniqueness of each community, caused by natural, cultural, historical, religious and other factors, do not devalue the steady trend of the development of society towards the rationalization of public life, democratization and humanization of political regimes, the expansion of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Modern concepts of law as a special connection of the individual with the state endow the property of universality of human rights, and the legal concepts of freedom, equality and justice underlie their recognition and protection. The reduction of excessive state presence in the economic, social and spiritual life of society, as well as the scope of punitive and repressive laws, gives society and the state a powerful developing impulse, the integral features of which are the formation of civil society and the rule of law. The main criterion for the progress of the state and law is the correspondence of their development to the specified direction.

Keywordsstate, law, progress, social well-being, social values, political regime, democracy.
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