Dynamics of High- Altitude Jet Fluxes Inferred from the Satellite Measurement Data and Their Connection with the Climatic Parameters and Large-Scale Atmospheric Phenomena

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Typhoon Scientific Production Association"
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Typhoon Scientific Production Association"
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal State Budgetary Institution "Typhoon Scientific Production Association"
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameIssledovanie Zemli iz kosmosa
EditionIssue 6

Presented are the investigation results of spatial-temporal variations of basic characteristics if jet fl uxes in the upper troposphere of the Northern and Southern hemispheres in the surveillance zones of the European geostationary meteorological satellites during the period of 2007–2017. The main attention was paid to their connection with the troposphere temperature, the ice cross section area and large-scale atmospheric phenomena. General laws and signifi cant diff erences of interannual variability of jet fl uxes in the Northern and Southern hemispheres were revealed. Based on the correlation and cross-wavelet analyses it was shown that the interannual variations of the upper troposphere (T) at the levels of 200 to 500 hPa and the area of a jet fl ux (S) take place in both hemispheres in the counter phase, and T and the width of its center (φ) in the phase. Variations of the sea ice cross-section area (Sice) and S annual fl uctuations occur in both hemispheres predominantly in the phase, and the fl uctuations of (Sice) and (φ) in both hemispheres are close to the counter phase. The peculiarity of annual variations of the (Sice) and S series in the Northern hemisphere, being in the variations of S that go ahead of (Sice) by 1.5–2.5 months, was found. A complex changing with tine character of the connection of jet fl uxes characteristics with North-Atlantic oscillation (NAO) and quasi-biannual cycle of zonally averaged over the equator wind (QBO) was revealed.

Keywordsjet fl uxes, spatiotemporal variability, the upper troposphere, geostationary satellites, spectral, composite and wavelet analyses, climate changes
AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by the RFBR grant 18–05–00831a.
Publication date27.12.2018
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