Space Experiment on Measuring Ionospheric Signal Delay RWIS (Radio Waves Ionosphere Sensing)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameIssledovanie Zemli iz kosmosa
EditionIssue 6

This paper describes a space experiment that is planned to be performed within the framework of the Russian project of the microsatellite «CHIBIS–AI» for measuring ionospheric signal delays for determining electron density and spatial fl uctuations of the ionospheric and magnetospheric plasma. These measurements will be carried out by a phase interferometer at two levels using signals from on–board in–phase transmitters and signals from GPS/GLONASS navigation satellite systems. The location of the radiation sources at two levels will allow us to separate plasma variations in the ionosphere and the inner magnetosphere (plasmasphere). The experimental results are of interest to solve the fundamental problems of the near–Earth plasma physics, and for the solution of practical issues related to improving the positioning accuracy using the global navigation systems.

Publication date27.12.2018
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