The Water Structure and Dynamics of the Shantar Islands National Park Aquatory (the Sea of Okhotsk) According to Satellite Data

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Pacific Oceanological Institute. IN AND. Ilyicheva FED RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Pacific Oceanological Institute. IN AND. Ilyicheva FED RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Pacific Oceanological Institute. IN AND. Ilyicheva FED RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameIssledovanie Zemli iz kosmosa
EditionIssue 5

The Shantar Islands National Park (north-western shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk) was established to preserve the unique marine and terrestrial ecosystems which support a wide variety of wildlife. The water structure and dynamics of the Shantar Islands National Park aquatory are studied based on multi-sensor satellite images (Terra/Aqua MODIS, Landsat-7 ETM+, Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS, Sentinel-2A MSI) and oceanographic observations. The circulation of the Shantar Islands region (dynamics) are largely determined by the competition between strong tidal current and freshwater input from river. The water structure forms under the infl uence of far-fi eld low-salinity river plumes in the shallow bays and vigorous tidal mixing in the localized areas. The interaction of tidal fl ow with a complex topography and bathymetry including headlands, islands, straits and shoals create a rich submesoscale fi eld includes of tidal jets, multiple eddies, coherent vortices and wakes, all of which can impact marine ecology and biology around Shantar Islands.

KeywordsSea of Okhotsk, the Shantar Islands National Park, multi-sensor satellite data, structure and dynamics of coastal waters, tidal currents, river plumes, tidal mixing, submesoscale tidal eddies
Publication date26.12.2018
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