Eugenia Tokareva

Professor of History

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World History


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
The Genesis of Estonia’s and Latvia’s Bilateral Relations with the Holy See and the Problem of National Identity-Building after World War I: 1918—1922 (ISTORIYA) -
Relations of the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, with the Orthodox in 1920—1940 (From the Correspondence of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky) (ISTORIYA) -
Edmund Walsh, Vatican plans and Russian reality of 1922–1923 (Rossiiskaia istoriia) -
The Adventures of a Jesuit in Russia: how the Soviet Government Fought with Father Edmund Walsh (1922—1923) (ISTORIYA) -
Foreign Policy and Peacekeeping Initiatives of the Vatican in the Second Half of the 1930s — Early 1940s in the Reflection of the Soviet Press (ISTORIYA) -
The Vatican in World War II: Dynamics and New Directions in Western Historiography (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
Italian Catholic Chaplains on the Eastern Front during World War II: Perception of Soviet Reality, Military Realities, and Apostolate in the Territories Occupied by Italy (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
The View of the Soviet Authorities (Politburo, NKYU, NKID, etc.) of the 1923 Catholic Clergy Trial (ISTORIYA) -
Russia and the Vatican: 25 Years of Scientific Cooperation (ISTORIYA) -
Catholic Organizations and their Role in the Political System of Fascist Italy (1929—1934) (ISTORIYA) -
The Catholic Church in Russia in the Context of the “New Religious Course” of J. Stalin (1944—1946) (ISTORIYA) -