The “Court” against the “Country”? The Perceptions of Loyalty During the Reign of William III (1689—1702)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article deals with the perception of “loyalty” within English public sphere during the reign of the stadholder-king William III (1650—1702). The position of this ruler was rather complicated - in his native Dutch Republic, adherents of anti-Orangist ideas abstained from being loyal to William, while the acquisition of the three British crowns by William during the Glorious Revolution was disputed by the Jacobites, who supported the deposed king James II. In this regard, William's followers had to combine in their propaganda various arguments aimed at “forging” loyalty to the stadholder-king. On the basis of a wide range of sourcesб such as pamphlets, declarations and sermons — the author considers the main features of the propaganda created by the supporters of the new regime. The article shows that images of loyalty were systematically exploited by political factions during William’s reign. Their representatives sought to appear in the eyes of the public loyal to the monarch, and to accuse their opponents of pursuing private interests. In the pamphlets of that time, there are also images of ‘false’ loyalty, of its imitation: for example, the Tories accused the Whigs of overemphasizing their loyalty to William and to the ‘Protestant interest’ in order to strengthen their own power. The party, which was in opposition, the 'country party', sought to present the faction close to power as the ‘court party’ that lacked the real loyalty both to the monarch and to the nation.

Keywordsloyalty, Glorious Revolution, William III of Orange, pamphleteering, Early Modern Britain
Publication date15.07.2024
Number of characters62815
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