Loyalty and Disloyalty of the Manorial and Borough Custom in the Medieval England

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article gives an idea of custom’s functioning — as a legal phenomenon — in a social sphere of medieval English manor and borough. Fixed in the records, traditional behavioral norms acted as the norms of local law; their influence on the social development of medieval England hardly can be overestimated. It goes without saying that custom might be regarded as a reliable basis of social and legal system of medieval England as well as a foundation of its feudal law, largely based on traditions and precedents. Loyal attitude of the customs towards a number of manorial and borough categories of the country had an objective background and rather often was defined by the material (economic) factors. But herewith, custom revealed itself not only as a reasonable socio-economic regulator; as well it was a moral phenomenon, binding local “social peace” and ensuring normal flow of everyday life. In a special way arranging everyday life, it gave a kind of dignity to medieval social system. Medieval custom wasn’t loyal in a case of social or moral norm’s violating. Not without reason it was mostly disloyal to the strangers, who introduced anarchy into social systems of medieval manor and borough, as well to the townsfolk, breaking public interests and in this way punching a kind of gap in a habitually hierarchical, relatively balanced order of the medieval everyday life.

Keywordsmedieval England, custom, loyalty, everyday life, manor, borough, law, disloyalty
Publication date15.07.2024
Number of characters75692
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