The Russian Empire and the Yugoslav Question During the First World War

Publication type Article
Status Published
MGIMO Universuty
Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

For the Yugoslav peoples, the twentieth century was a turning point and a tragic era. During this century they were twice united as part of a common state and became participants in an unprecedented Yugoslav economic, social and political experiment. That is why the study of the factors that contributed to the creation of both the first and the second Yugoslavia, as well as the reasons for their collapse, is the subject of serious study by historians, political scientists and specialists in the field of international relations. The article deals with the analysis of the influence of the events of the First World War on the processes of the formation of the Kingdom of the CXC. It is shown that the “Yugospheric” model of integration of the Yugoslav peoples was the result of both the course of military operations on the fronts of the First World War and of the revolution that took place in Russia in 1917.

KeywordsN. Pasic, V. Radoslavov, Serbia, Yugoslavia, World War I, S. D. Sazonov
AcknowledgmentThe article was supported by MGIMO University’s Development Program “Priority 2030”.
Publication date25.03.2024
Number of characters41175
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