US Policy in Latin America in the Coverage of Spanish Press of 1824—1836

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

Under the influence of significant changes in the system of international relations caused by the wars of independence in Spanish America, Spain found itself on the periphery of world politics and was adapting to its new role. The politics of the United States, the leading power in the Western Hemisphere, became one of the topics of public discussion that unfolded on the pages of Spanish press during the Restoration (1823—1833) and the liberal revolution of the 1830s. Spanish assessments of US international activity revealed the views of politically active elite on the principles of foreign policy in the New World, and their perception of the North American republic as a regional leader with whom it is necessary to communicate. Spanish public opinion, with all characteristics of its ideological state and evolution, perceived the United States as an important actor in the regional system of international relations, which was increasing its influence, relying on its economic resources and taking advantage of the absence of active rivals. The ideological division between Spanish political groups affected their assessments of US policy, but in the 1830s it turned out to be less pronounced than during the Restoration. The conflict between Mexico and Texas caused a sharp critical reaction from the progressist press, which condemned the aggressive territorial expansion of the United States. The growth of US activity contributed to the concept of a new role for Spain in the New World — the role of the patron of its former colonies.

Keywordsrelations between Spain and the USA, Spanish press of 1820—1830, liberalism in Spain, independence of the Spanish colonies, Monroe doctrine
Publication date26.10.2023
Number of characters46296
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