Prince at War: the Duke of Orleans and France's Conquest of Algeria during the July Monarchy

Publication type Article
Status Published
RANEPA University
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is devoted to the Mediterranean policy of France during the years of the July Monarchy to conquer and colonize Algeria. The article is devoted to the personality and activities of the eldest son of King Louis-Philippe, Duke Ferdinand of Orleans (1810—1842), who repeatedly visited Algeria and took part in hostilities. The article is based on the documentary heritage of the Duke of Orleans. The article concludes that the Duke of Orleans was a supporter of an active policy of conquest, colonization and development of Algeria. At the same time, he saw many of the problems that France faced in Algeria, primarily related to the state of the medical service, the system for placing soldiers in camps, and the state of infrastructure. The Duke of Orleans was sincerely concerned about the need to resolve these issues, took the necessary measures while in Algeria, and proposed methods for solving specific issues. His tragic death caused a dynastic crisis and seriously weakened the position of King Louis Philippe.

KeywordsFerdinand Philippe Duke of Orleans, the Mediterranean Sea, the conquest of Algeria by France, the July monarchy, King Louis-Philippe of Orleans
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared as part of the research work of the state task of RANEPA.
Publication date31.01.2023
Number of characters32409
100 rub.
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