Between the Gap and Continuity: Comparison of the Iranian Policy of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR/USSR in the Works of Early Soviet Publicists

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is devoted to the specifics of the formation of early Soviet discourse in relation to Soviet policy in the East, in particular in Iran. Based on the analysis of journalistic materials published at the turn of the 1910—1920s, the representations of the policy of the Russian Empire and the RSFSR/USSR in Iran are compared. It is shown that, despite the desire of Soviet authors to demonstrate the gap in the political line of the two states, the influence of cultural tradition and the need to solve pressing political problems inevitably led to the preservation of a certain continuity both in the rhetorical field and in the sense of practical politics.

KeywordsIran, Russian Empire, RSFSR, USSR, Britain, Bolsheviks, Imperialism
Publication date07.11.2022
Number of characters50226
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