German Expansion in the Ottoman Empire on the Eve of the First World War in the Russian Press Comments

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The Balkans and the territory of the Ottoman Empire (especially the Straits region and Asia Minor) on the eve of the First World War were the main region where Russian and Austro-German interests clashed. The article deals with the reaction of the Russian press to sending of the German military mission to Istanbul in winter 1913—1914, headed by General Liman von Sanders. The author stressed that this action of the Berlin Government contributed to the further growth of anti-German sentiments in the Russian society on the eve of the First World War.

KeywordsGermany, the Ottoman Empire, Liman von Sanders mission, the Black Sea Straits, the Russian press, the Russian public opinion, the eve of the First World War
Publication date07.11.2022
Number of characters45960
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