The First Female Printers in Europe and the First Female Printer of Cyrillic Books Marianna Kulchitska

Publication type Article
Status Published
Russian State University for the Humanities
Russian State Library
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

Women have played an important role in the history of printing since the 15th century. The first female printers themselves printed books at the printing press, but more often, together with their husbands, they managed printing houses, conducted financial calculations for book publishing, and sold books. In most cases, after the death of their husbands, they became full owners of printing houses and continuers of the publishing business. The article talks about the first female printers who worked in Florence, Augsburg, Nuremberg, Antwerp, Krakow in the 15th—16th centuries. The work highlights the activities of Magdalena Morhart, the first woman whose printing house in Urach (with the designation Tübingen on the title pages) published books in Cyrillic. The main character of the article is the first woman typographer of Cyrillic books in Lviv Marianna Kulchitska. She worked together with her husband Dmitry Kulchitsky in the printing house of the Lviv Assumption Brotherhood and was directly involved in the process of printing books in 1662—1664. This is the first known woman in the history of Cyrillic printing, who is called a printer in the sources.

Keywordsthe first women typographers in Europe, the first woman printer of Cyrillic books in Lviv Marianna Kulchytska, Lviv Stavropihiyan Confraternity printing-house, old-printed Cyrillic books of the 17th century
Publication date17.10.2022
Number of characters24563
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