From the Text to the Geo-Information System: Migration of the Population of Ladoga Karelia to the Upper Volga Region in the 17th Century in the Reflection of the Census Book of 1650/1651

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Tver State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tver
Affiliation: Tver State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tver
Journal nameISTORIYA

This paper is a continuation of the study of the history of the formation of the subethnic group of the Upper Volga Karelians in the 17th century. The article considers the census book of “immigrants” from the territory of Karelia, which departed to the Swedish state as a result of Russian-Swedish conflicts of the first half of the 17th century, settled on the territory of Bezhetsky Verkh. The source is a courtyard census of the “Korelians” living in Bezhetsky Verkh, including materials from “inquiries” about the place and time of the release of immigrants and their relatives. The study is performed using geo-information technologies. A study of the source showed that the “Korelians” identified by the census in Bezhetsky Verkh came from the parishes of the Northern Ladoga area: Solomensky, Suistamsky, Serdobolsky, Kiryazhsky, etc. (currently the border territories of Russia and Finland). It was found that most of the exits occur in the 1620—1630s. The specific places of exodus of immigrants in Karelia named in the source are localized. It turned out that the transition process, as a rule, included intermediate points on the territory of Novgorodsky, Belozersky, Vologodsky, Uglichsky uezds and others of the north-west and center of Russia, as well as the cities of Olonets, Moscow, Tikhvin, Staraya Russa, Suzdal’, Nizhny Novgorod, etc. The transition itself could have taken more than two decades. On the territory of Bezhetsky Verkh, the “Korelians” settled on the lands of landowners and monasteries. The earliest major enclave of the “Korelians” in the Bezhetsky Verkh can be considered the land of the local Nikolsky Anthony Monastery, where the “Korelians” appeared in the middle — second half of the 1630s. The most massive migrations were in the 1640s. The native places, intermediate and end points recorded in the census book were localized in the GIS. The data obtained significantly complement the conclusions of the problems in historiography and visualize the directions of migration of the “Korelians” in the 17th century.

Keywordscensus book, GIS, “Korelians”, Karelians, Karelia, Upper Volga region, settlement, parish, migration, 17th century
Publication date17.10.2022
Number of characters33076
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