The Far East in the 19th Century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Khabarovsk
Affiliation: Vladivostok Branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Journal nameISTORIYA

The 19th century is perhaps the most fateful period in the history of the Asian part of the Russian state. It was by the end of this century that the development and consolidation of Siberia required the separation of a separate part from it — the Far East. During the same period, we can talk about the design of the so-called Far Eastern policy of Russia, which manifested itself in the expansion of the territory of the state, the definition and strengthening of its eastern borders; the acquisition of access to Asian markets; settlement and involvement in the turnover of land suitable for agriculture and industrial development, etc. The growing importance of the eastern outskirts of the Russian Empire led to the incessant development of the administrative management system, the gradual inclusion of acquired territories in the all-Russian economic, political, legal and cultural space.

KeywordsN. N. Muravyov-Amursky, the Siberian reform, Amur General Government, resettlement policy, economic development, colonization, international relations, East Asia
Publication date12.12.2021
Number of characters61541
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